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Measuring Educator Effectiveness: Implications for Improving Teacher Preparation Programs Lynn Holdheide, Deputy Director Office of Special Education Program’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Educator Effectiveness: Implications for Improving Teacher Preparation Programs Lynn Holdheide, Deputy Director Office of Special Education Program’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Educator Effectiveness: Implications for Improving Teacher Preparation Programs Lynn Holdheide, Deputy Director Office of Special Education Program’s Project Directors’ Meeting July 15, 2013

2 The mission of the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) is to foster the capacity of vibrant networks of practitioners, researchers, innovators, and experts to build and sustain a seamless system of support for great teachers and leaders for every school in every state in the nation. 2

3 Trends in Teacher Evaluation Inclusion of student achievement growth data represents a huge “culture shift” in evaluation States are under increased pressure to meet deadlines and requirements within – Race to the Top – Teacher Incentive Funds/State Improvement Grants – ESEA Flexibility Waiver Unique teacher roles and responsibilities are prompting discussion within teacher and leader evaluation Preparation is starting to be seen as an important lever in teacher and leader quality

4 Evaluation for accountability and instructional improvement Effective evaluation relies on: Clearly defined and communicated standards for performance Quality tools for measuring and differentiating performance Quality training on standards and tools 4

5 General Considerations  Inclusion. Fosters an inclusive environment  Integration. Drives professional learning, feedback, and support for all teachers and leaders  Collaboration. Promotes collaboration of all personnel to ensure students receive the supports they need to be college and career ready  Shared Understanding. Provides for shared expectations 5

6 Impact of Preparation Programs on Teacher and Leader Evaluation Preparation Programs can impact performance evaluation in two broad areas: Teacher and leader evaluation design Curriculum, field experiences, and support

7 Evaluation can impact preparation programs in:  Curriculum and reform guidance  Evaluation and feedback Impact of Teacher and Leader Evaluation on Preparation Programs

8  Special Issues Brief: Inclusive Design: Building Teacher Evaluation Systems That Support Students With Disabilities Eight Considerations State and District Examples Potential Next Steps n.pdf Special Issues Brief 8

9 Considerations within Measures of Educator Practice  Strengthen existing rubrics by augmenting with explicit examples  Use of the preobservation conference can be instrumental for the teacher to review the students’ needs and the selection of the evidence-based instructional practice used prior to the observation.  Integrate special education content Into evaluator training, and incorporate the use of peer evaluators  Modify rubrics to reflect the roles and responsibilities of specialized instructional support personnel 9

10 Considerations within Measures of Student Growth  Include students with disabilities in growth measures and review data  Ensure that multiple and appropriate measures of growth are used  Account for students with disabilities in the student learning objective process  Specify that IEPs are not measures of growth 10

11 Practice and Growth Considerations: Impact on Teacher and Leader Preparation  Promote coherent and aligned professional learning opportunities, beginning with preservice preparation and throughout the career continuum, to build teacher and leader capacity.  Assessment Literacy (e.g. selection/development, accommodation use)  Data Literacy (e.g. interpretation, target setting, goal attainment) 11

12 GTL Center Contact Information Website: E-Mail: “Advancing state efforts to grow, respect, and retain great teachers and leaders for all students”

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