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IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Information Preservation 4000 Years of Traditions Challenged by Digital.

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Presentation on theme: "IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Information Preservation 4000 Years of Traditions Challenged by Digital."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Information Preservation 4000 Years of Traditions Challenged by Digital Age Christiane Baryla IFLA-PAC Core Activity Director Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

2 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Background / IFAP Strategic Plan 2008-2013 /pdf/ifap2008_council_draft_strategic_plan.pdf IFAP propose to develop for this purpose an overall comprehensive information and knowledge policy framework in five priority areas, information for development, information literacy, information ethics and information accessibility. Information preservation Preservation is an indispensable pre-requisite for enabling the world’s citizens to access information and use it. Promoting and protecting information through access and preservation are amongst the key concerns of the Information for All Programme. Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

3 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. IFLA PAC core activity is a strategic program dedicated to preservation and conservation. IFLA (together with ICA) is one of the Multistakeholder Partners identified by IFAP and engaged in an ongoing collaboration with IFAP PRESERVATION is a major challenge for IFLA Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

4 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges First challenge for Information Preservation The documents transformation from analogue to digital: The Moscow Declaration on Digital Information Preservation assesses well the situation: “For two millennia – ever since the Library of Alexandria was established – humankind has been learning to preserve information on analogue carriers. With that goal in view, all developed countries had established by the mid-20th century a ramified network of comprehensive and specialized libraries, archives, museums […].“ Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

5 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Second challenge: the new sources of information Born digital information is increasing Books, Newspapers, E-manuels, many documents are now directly published on digital form. Digital preservation can be presented as the preservation of the information carried by digital objects. Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

6 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges The Vancouver Declaration, among important recommendations urges UNESCO Secretariat  To support the work of the international archival, library and museum community to secure an international legal framework to ensure preservation of and access to cultural heritage in digital format.  To publish guidelines, policies and procedures as well as best- practice models in digitization and digital preservation  To create an emergency programme aiming at preservation of documentary materials endangered by natural disasters or armed conflicts,.  To update the implementation guidelines of the 2003 UNESCO Charter on preservation of digital heritage and give consideration to the inclusion of preservation of and access to digitized cultural heritage. Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

7 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges The Vancouver Declaration, among important recommendations urges UNESCO’s Member States  To develop public policies enabling and supporting preservation of digital heritage in a rapidly changing technological environment;  To promote cooperation between their legislative bodies and archives, libraries and museums and other relevant organizations, in order to develop legal frameworks that support preservation of, and access to, digital cultural heritage;  To raise public awareness of relevance of digital preservation for the endurance of our cultural heritage. Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

8 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access Third challenge: the web is a new source of information that needs to be preserved (1) A new stakeholder / INTERNATIONAL INTERNET PRESERVATION CONSORTIUM “Information published on the World Wide Web today will be the primary resources for future researchers.”MISSION The mission of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) is to acquire, preserve and make accessible knowledge and information from the Internet for future generations everywhere, promoting global exchange and international relations.

9 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Third challenge: the web is a new source of information that needs to be preserved (2) GOALS To enable the collection of a rich body of Internet content from around the world to be preserved in a way that it can be archived, secured and accessed over time. To foster the development and use of common tools, techniques and standards that enable the creation of international archives. To encourage and support national libraries everywhere to address Internet archiving and preservation. Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access

10 IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges IFAP Priorities Information Preservation Information Accessibility UNESCO Core Functions Catalyst for International Cooperation Memory of the World Programme Laboratory of Ideas Standard-setter Charter and Guidelines for preservation Clearing House Open training platform Capacity-builder in Member States Training of librarians, records managers and archivists Supporting the development of open content Multistakeholder Partners Content Producers ICT Providers (hardware and software) Open source archival repository and preservation system Research and Monitoring Plenary Debate 3: Information Preservation & Information Access Information Preservation Strategies in the IFAP Action Plan

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