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Beginning of the Year  35 weeks ago you entered 9 th grade  In less than a week you become a 10 th grader  Reflect back on the year  Think of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning of the Year  35 weeks ago you entered 9 th grade  In less than a week you become a 10 th grader  Reflect back on the year  Think of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Beginning of the Year  35 weeks ago you entered 9 th grade  In less than a week you become a 10 th grader  Reflect back on the year  Think of the growth you have achieved  Think of your future goals…

3 Personal History  If historians can agree on little else, at least they should rejoice in the realization that they have many true stories to tell about the human past.  You have an opportunity to write your life story.

4 What we have learned this year…  How to F.A.I.L.— First Attempt in Learning!  Being an Adult and becoming more mature— Doing What You Are Suppose to Do, When You Are Suppose to Do It!

5  Topic: Age of Enlightenment (1600-1800)  The Age of Enlightenment developed from the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries. A new focus on reasoning was used to understand social, political and economic institutions.

6  Topic: Age of Revolutions (1750-1914)  The Age of Revolutions was a period of two world-encompassing and interrelated developments: the democratic revolution and the industrial revolution. Both had political, economic and social consequences on a global scale.

7  Topic: Imperialism (1800-1914)  The industrialized nations embarked upon a competition for overseas empires that had profound implications for the entire world. This “new imperialism” focused on the underdeveloped world and led to the domination and exploitation of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

8  Topic: Achievements and Crises (1900-1945)  The first half of the 20th century was one of rapid technological advances. It was a period when the tensions between industrialized nations resulted in World War I and set the stage for World War II. While World War II transformed the balance of world power, it was the most destructive and costly war in terms of human casualties and material resources expended.

9  Topic: The Cold War (1945-1991)  Conflicting political and economic ideologies after World War II resulted in the Cold War. The Cold War overlapped with the era of decolonization and national liberation.

10  Topic: Globalization (1991-Present)  The global balance of power shifted with the end of the Cold War. Wars, territorial disputes, ethnic and cultural conflicts, acts of terrorism, advances in technology, expansion of human rights, and changes in the global economy present new challenges.

11 Why Learn?  Abundance: The Future is better than you think…  Progress over the last 100 years…

12  Average Human Lifespan: 2x Higher  Average Per Capita Income: 3x Higher  Childhood Mortality: 10x Lower

13  Cost of Food: 10x Lower  Cost of Electricity: 20x Lower  Cost of Transportation: 100x Lower  Cost of Communications: 1000x Lower

14 Challenge & Great Opportunity  FORCE: RISING BILLION (YOU ARE PART OF THIS) Rise of Internet Users

15 3 Billion New Minds  What will 3 billion new minds…create, consume, discover, invent, desire?  What could 3 billion rising, healthy, educated, and and productive humans bring to humanity?

16 Voices we’ve never heard…  Contributions we can’t predict  I challenge each and everyone of you to be part of the solution and to have an impact on the communities you live in and those around you (locally, state, nationally, and globally)

17 I will miss all of you  I hope you will come and visit me next year…  I’ve learned so much from all of you this year and hopefully what you have learned this year will help lead you in your years’ at PHS and BEYOND  I leave you with one last piece of inspiration… 

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