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Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing Decimals.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing Decimals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing Decimals

2 Copy the slide with a RED TITLE and a


4 DO NOW (3 mins) PKB (Prior Knowledge Box) Topic: DecimalsMisconceptions Complete this side only. List anything that you know about the above topic.

5 STANDARD- 7N.S. 1.2 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals.

6 OBJECTIVE HUSKIES WILL BE ABLE TO ILLUSTRATE HOW TO ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

7 Vocabulary 1)Digits- ___________ 2)Multiplication- _______ 3)Division- _______ 4)Decimal- A number written in _____________, using ___________; falls between two ____________.

8 Adding/ subtracting decimals 1)________ the decimals. 2)Add in _______. 3)Then ___________. 4)Drop _________ down.

9 Example #1 5.74 + 3.3

10 5 + 3.3 What would happen if we added 5 (a whole number) to 3.3?

11 Example #2 0.86 – 0.4967

12 Multiply decimals 1)Line up the ______. (more digits on top). 2)________ the digits. 3)________ the places. 4)______ _____ decimal.

13 Example #3 7.34 x 4.333

14 What if 4.333 was negative? 7.34 x -4.333

15 Dividing decimals 1)________problem. 2)_______ number; move the decimal to the ____. 3)Move _____ number’s decimal over as ____ ____ as the outside number, then divide. 4)Bring decimal straight up.

16 Example #4 37.04 ÷ 0.8

17 What would happen if 0.8 became 8 (a whole number)? 37.04 ÷ 8

18 Prior Knowledge Box (PKB) Topic: DecimalsMisconceptions What did you think you knew but you found out was a misconception? If you didn’t have any prior knowledge, what did you learn/ review today?

19 Station Overview (30 mins per station) Collaborative- Decimal worksheets (Bring up for a check after page 1). Direct- White board Practice work with Ms. Ahumibe.

20 Direct station http://www.math- Jeopardy/decimals- jeopardy.html http://www.math- Jeopardy/decimals- jeopardy.html

21 Decimals Exit Slip Name Date Period

22 Agenda Homework- “What is the Title?” Worksheet Pg. B-65 Bring a white board marker (DUE: P.1,3,5- Mondays and Thursday. P.2,4,6- Tuesdays and Fridays)

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