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Assessment for Learning 5 th Grade Jean Heltzel Cory Gregory David Walker Amanda Prettyman Michelle Palleria.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment for Learning 5 th Grade Jean Heltzel Cory Gregory David Walker Amanda Prettyman Michelle Palleria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment for Learning 5 th Grade Jean Heltzel Cory Gregory David Walker Amanda Prettyman Michelle Palleria

2 Goal Introduction of 5 th grade Math Sol 5.2 through which the student will recognize and name commonly used fractions in their equivalent form. Student progress guides instruction beginning with pre-assessment. This is followed by guided practice, one teach one observe, and skill analysis to drive differentiation through individual assessment.

3 Vocabulary equivalent fractions denominator numerator multiply common divide equal factors divisibility part of set whole

4 Pre-assessment 1. Students are quickly assessed on their knowledge of equivalent fractions at: 2. Item analysis of 5 th Grade Pretest for the 4 th grade Sol 4.2b, representation of equivalent fractions. 3. Access prior knowledge through informal questioning techniques 4. Investigation of vocabulary. Teacher asks, “What is the root word for equivalent?”

5 Developmentals The Developmental process is utilized to teach math skills through a systematic step by step process. Through the use of the developmental on equivalent fractions, students investigate equivalency by comparing an abstract fraction with a pictorial representation. By the end of the developmental, students are creating their own equivalent fractions through multiplication and division. Students can make predictions and assess themselves with examples.

6 Developmental

7 Student completing the developmental and an example of the table of contents

8 Guided Practice Through guided practice, the student’s developmental is utilized to guide them through the abstract process of the particular skill. Practice and reinforcement is evidenced by worksheets, Smartboard activities, manipulatives, games, Larsons, etc.

9 Guided practice Students show self-assessment by comparing their work to their developmental through which they determine if the skill has been completed correctly.

10 Guided practice As the teacher monitors student performance, differentiation can then be determined for those students who need reinforcement with manipulatives, more practice, or are ready for a challenge.

11 One teach, one observe One teacher teaches, while the other observes and assesses student performance.

12 One teach, one observe The teacher sets up an observation sheet to check for specific skills. In this unit, the teacher was looking for mastery of multiplication and division facts, understanding of basic number sense, and fact families.

13 One teach, one observe As students complete the task, the teacher checks what skills the student has mastered and analyzes the types of mistakes. Students are asked to verbalize their method of solving the problem.

14 One teach, one observe Based on these observations and student self- assessment, teachers can then give feedback and target small groups for needed intervention and remediation.

15 Formative assessment The purpose of formative assessment is to evaluate the student’s performance for mastery of equivalent fractions.

16 Formative Assessment Upon completion of a quiz review, teachers give immediate feedback for students to make corrections. Teachers can gain an understanding of whether or not the skill has been mastered.

17 Formative Assessment Differentiation is determined according to student progress. Through self- assessment, students are aware of their knowledge of equivalent fractions. Students who have mastered the skill are offered enrichment through activities such as Larson’s, challenge activities, games, problem solving activities, etc.

18 Formative assessment If finding equivalent fractions has not been mastered, individualized assistance with teacher support, developmental review, and/or manipulatives are offered.

19 Resources Larson’s Intermediate math computer program Harcourt math manipulative kit Mary Campion’s Developmental Materials Fast Math computer program Harcourt Challenge and Reteach workbooks Math at Hand: Problem Solving by Great Source multiplication and division flashcards Smartboard activities: equivalent fractions found at G:\common\ITRTresourcesfo rteachers\smartboard\smar tboardactivities\Math Equivalent Fraction Dominoes: WIEBE, Carlson and Associates The Fraction Kit, Marilyn Burns Investigating: Fractions, decimals, and percents, Grades 4-6, by Heinemann Equivalent Fractions Flashcards: Frog Publications Fractions Bingo

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