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North Carolina Civic Education Consortium. Directions Divide the class into three to six groups of equal size. The team with the youngest person selects.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina Civic Education Consortium. Directions Divide the class into three to six groups of equal size. The team with the youngest person selects."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina Civic Education Consortium

2 Directions Divide the class into three to six groups of equal size. The team with the youngest person selects the first question. After the first question is selected, teams will have one minute to attempt to answer the question. When a team knows the answer to the question, a representative from the team raises his/her hand. The team will then have 15 seconds to attempt to answer the question. All questions will be answered in the form of a question. If the team answers correctly, it earns the points indicated by the question and gains control of the board, allowing its members to select the next question. If the team answers incorrectly or if time runs out, the question goes back to the other teams to answer, who have thirty seconds to answer the question. If no team answers the question correctly, no points are awarded, and the team in control of the board retains control.

3 Directions Continued First round play continues in this manner until all questions are exhausted or until time runs out. If time runs out during a question, the team can finish answering the question before second round play begins. Play in the second round is the same as the first. The team with the lowest point total at the end of round one starts with control of the board. Point values are doubled in the second round. Play continues in the second round until all questions are exhausted or until time runs out. If time runs out during a question, the team can finish answering the question before second round play begins.

4 Legal History I Areas of Law I Name that Area I Name that Area II 20 40 60 80 100 R OUND 1

5 Legal History II Areas of Law Name that Area III Name that Area IV Area IV 40 80 120 160 200 200200200200 R OUND 2

6 The game that is 100% fun is 100% over! The game that is 100% fun is 100% over!

7 Legal History I For 20: Moses received these in Israel. What are the Ten Commandments? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

8 Legal History I For 40: I was a set of legal codes developed during the Byzantine Empire What are the Justinian Codes? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

9 Legal History I For 60: I am a set of laws passed in Ancient Greece that did not work very well What are the Draconian Laws? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

10 Legal History I For 80: I was developed by three different authors in three different years. I am the idea of giving up some rights to get security and ease your fears. What is the Social Contract? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

11 Legal History I For 100: I was written primarily by a future President, but am not a law. I was signed on a day where you shoot fireworks with mom and paw. What is the Declaration of Independence? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

12 Areas of Law I For 20: This area of law is based primarily on older cases and precedent. What is common law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

13 Areas of Law I For 40: North Carolina’s General Assembly passes laws which contribute to this area of law. What is Statutory Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

14 Areas of Law I For 60: This body of law makes sure the meat in your cheeseburger is safe to eat. What is Administrative Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

15 Areas of Law I For 80: If you commit a felony, you will be tried under this type of law. What is criminal law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

16 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Make your wager: I am a area of law that covers the North American Free Trade Agreement. What is International Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

17 Name that Area I For 20: Regulations governing airplane traffic rules. What is Administrative Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

18 Name that Area I For 40: A trade agreement signed between Haiti and Peru. What is International Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

19 Name that Area I For 60: Regulations concerning an outbreak of a contagious disease (swine flu). What is Administrative Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

20 Name that Area I For 80: A case covering the freedom of speech in schools. What is Constitutional Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

21 Name that Area I For 100: A law passed by the legislature to ban smoking in public places. A law passed by the legislature to ban smoking in public places. What is Statutory Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

22 Name that Area II For 20: A divorce case. What is civil law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

23 Name that Area II For 40: A murder case. What is criminal law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

24 Name that Area II For 60: A case about racial integration in public schools. What is Constitutional Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

25 Name that Area II For 80: A case where the judge relies heavily on previous cases when making a decision. What is Common Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

26 Name that Area II For 100: An adjudication process. What is Administrative Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

27 Legal History II For 40: I guaranteed rights to English citizens. What is the English Bill of Rights? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

28 Legal History II For 80: I’m also called Gayanashagowa, and some say I influenced the U.S. Constitution’s framing. What is the Iroquois Nation’s Constitution? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

29 Legal History II For 120: I protected England against the rule of a tyrannical King. I also protect against unlawful jailing. What is the Magna Carta? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

30 Legal History II For 160: I’ve got an English friend, it’s true. I’m the first ten amendments in the good ole’ red, white, and blue. What are the Bill of Rights? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

31 Legal History II For 200: I was formed in the days of Babylon by a clever king’s mind. If I am followed, some say we’d all be blind. What are the Codes of Hammurabi? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

32 Areas of Law II For 40: Another name for Criminal Law. What is Penal Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

33 Areas of Law II For 80: This area of law covers the United States Constitution and its interpretation. What is Constitutional Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

34 Areas of Law II For 120: Many of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions are considered this type of law. What is International Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

35 Areas of Law II For 160: This law area is passed by the legislative branch, but can be struck down if found unconstitutional. What is a statutory? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

36 Areas of Law II For 200: This area of law very rarely involves any punishment except for paying the winner money. What is Civil Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

37 Name that Area III For 40: A Supreme Court case debating the practice of eminent domain and whether it meets the principles of a founding American document. What is Constitutional Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

38 Name that Area III For 80: A lawsuit filed by a company against a former employee who started a competing business. What is Civil Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

39 Name that Area III For 120: A tort filed against a company who banned blue socks on Fridays. What is Civil Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

40 Name that Area III For 160: When preparing for a case, lawyers can consult this body of law to find past case decisions. What is Common Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

41 Name that Area III For 200: A man is prosecuted in a case by a District Attorney for an offense. What is Criminal Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

42 Name that Area IV For 40: A contract is broken between two parties. What is Civil Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

43 DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!! Make your wager: Situation: A man is walking down the street. A low- hanging limb from another man’s property is dangling, and hits the walking man in the head. If a lawsuit is filed, it would be in this area of law. What is Civil Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

44 Name that Area IV For 120: A meeting of the Federal Communications Commission begins the rule-making process in this area of law. What is Administrative Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

45 Name that Area IV For 160: When leaders from 8 different countries gather and make economic agreements, those agreements fall under this area of law. What is International Law? Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

46 Name that Area IV For 200: Marbury v. Madison and Brown v. Board of Education are both included in this type of law. What is Constitutional Law Return to Main Screen Return to Main Screen

47 And the Winner Is…

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