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Letters to the Ecclesias. Rev chps 2 & 3 Brotherhood of Ecclesias to which John wrote, small & under persecution. Glory and power of risen Lord emphasised.

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Presentation on theme: "Letters to the Ecclesias. Rev chps 2 & 3 Brotherhood of Ecclesias to which John wrote, small & under persecution. Glory and power of risen Lord emphasised."— Presentation transcript:

1 Letters to the Ecclesias. Rev chps 2 & 3 Brotherhood of Ecclesias to which John wrote, small & under persecution. Glory and power of risen Lord emphasised and his care for them - greater than adversaries. His love continues throughout life - if they died Jesus would release them at right time. Jesus’ object - that they “overcome” as he had.

2 Background. Seven Ecclesias situated in large towns in prosperous, intellectually active Roman province. Oriental, Greek, Jewish, Roman religions and cultures met. Ephesus - centre of temple worship of goddess Diana - involving ceremonial prostitution, festivals, pilgrims & wealth.

3 Patmos

4 Culture. Highly materialistic age. Graeco-Roman religion was failure - views of cosmos provided by Greek science adopted. Multiracial, materialistic society - sexual license, conflict of science & religion, concern with astrology. Many similarities to today - strong influences on believers.

5 The Letters. Seven Ecclesias are representative - not only ones in area - not all perfect - true and false disciples mingled - some responsive, some not. Letters end with urgent appeal of the Lord Jesus: “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the ecclesias” - Echo of the gospels - therefore messages relevant to his servants in all ages - no time limit.

6 General Content. The Book is unique - only communication from Jesus after elevation to the right hand of God in heaven. “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the ecclesias”. 22:16 Individual believers are ‘called out’- together constitute the Ecclesia of God made up of local ecclesias in different places.

7 Structure. Letters beautifully constructed and uniquely fitted to each Ecclesia. Each introduced by different attribute of the Son of Man - from opening vision relevant to circumstances of Ecclesia. Each begins with declaration “I know thy works”.

8 Structure (Cont’d). Each contains commendation of good characteristics of believers - encouraging and caring - then appropriate rebukes. Great promises, related to opening title of the Lord, held out “to him that overcometh”. Each ends with gracious invitation or command, “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the Ecclesias.”

9 Overall Message. Appeal of Jesus is to “ overcome. ” What obstacle needs to be overcome? THE WORLD and oneself. (Jno 16:33). Greek word for ‘world’ is ‘kosmos’, meaning the arrangement of things social, political, religious, the world, the environment. Each Ecclesia had to overcome the world - conflict inevitable - false prophets part of this.



12 Order of Letters. Is there significance in sequence of letters? Yes - are presented in order in which messenger from Patmos, landing at Ephesus would arrive. Timescale is indicated - last ecclesia had longest period coping with world. Laodicea - the last had most strayed from the Truth. As time goes on - general tendency for religious decline.


14 Significance of Order. Progressive decline is appropriate foretaste of the rest of the Revelation - progressive departure from the truth of God, as time proceeds, is indicated. Decline from the truth is major theme of the Book - Paul and John warn similarly - ensuing generations thus prepared for what is to happen. Individuals who overcome will be rewarded.

15 Letters - Integral Part Of Revelation. The Letters indicate decline from Truth amongst the representative Ecclesias. The Letters indicate the overall corruption of the Truth of God - forecast worldwide over centuries in development of remainder of the Book. (See Section 8)

16 One Whole Message. The Letters cannot be separated from remainder of Revelation.. The message is for all believers of all ages to be on guard to preserve the Truth. Evidence is in last chapter:- 16 “ I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.” Rev 22.

17 Ruins at Philadelphia

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