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Year 5 and 6 Calculations Maths Information Session

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 and 6 Calculations Maths Information Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 and 6 Calculations Maths Information Session
Welcome Multiplication (Grid Method) Subtraction (Column & Number Line) Division (Bus Stop, Chunking and Number Line) Addition (Column)

2 Multiplication Grid Method Success Criteria Estimate
Example 16 X 37.4 = Success Criteria Estimate Draw grid - what size? Partition each number Multiply the numbers Put on correct zeros Add vertical boxes in columns Check against estimate

3 Multiplication Now its your turn 2083 X 76 = 9 X 6.34 = 43 X 62 =

4 Subtraction Column Subtraction Example 1326 – 718.4 = Success Criteria
Put digit in correct column Line up the decimal point Write the - sign Put the decimal point in answer box Copy numbers correctly Start at right Borrow from the left if you need to Watch out for the zeros!

5 Subtraction Number Line Example 7005 – 537 =
Ellie and Safaa will explain this method which is useful for money calculations

6 Subtraction Have a go at these using either of the methods you have been shown. 2008 – = 2674 – = 689 – 143 = Success Criteria Put digit in correct column Line up the decimal point Write the - sign Put the decimal point in answer box Copy numbers correctly Start at right Borrow from the left if you need to Watch out for the zeros!

7 Division Bus Stop Example 2137 ÷ 7

8 Division Chunking Example 977 ÷ 18 = Chunking Success!
Work out multiples of the number you are dividing by e.g. 10x, 5x, 20x, 30x, Subtract the largest multiple possible Record in brackets which multiple you are subtracting Continue until the remainder is smaller than the number you are dividing by Add up how many multiples you have subtracted Record your answer e.g. 78 r 9

9 Division Number Line Example 170 ÷ 14 =

10 Division Three examples for you (Think which of the methods you would use to solve them) 380 ÷ 17 = 3788 ÷ 6 = 6912 ÷ 3 = Remember Chunking Success! Work out multiples of the number you are dividing by e.g. 10x, 5x, 20x, 30x, Subtract the largest multiple possible Record in brackets which multiple you are subtracting Continue until the remainder is smaller than the number you are dividing by Add up how many multiples you have subtracted Record your answer e.g. 78 r 9

11 Addition Column Addition = = =

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