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Dutch Auction

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1 Dutch Auction

2 Initial public offering - Dutch auction 1 One version of the Dutch auction is OpenIPO, which is based on an auction system designed by Nobel Prize-winning economist William Vickrey

3 Initial public offering - Dutch auction 1 In the face of this resistance, the Dutch Auction is still a little used method in U.S

4 Initial public offering - Dutch auction 1 Moreover, some forms of the Dutch Auction allow the underwriter to be more active in coordinating bids and even communicating general auction trends to some bidders during the bidding period

5 Initial public offering - Dutch auction 1 A Dutch Auction IPO by WhiteGlove Health, Inc., announced in May 2011 was postponed in September of that year, after several failed attempts to price

6 Online auction business model - Dutch auctions 1 However, with actual on-line Dutch auctions where the price is descending, it was found that auctions have on average a 30% higher ending price than first-price auctions with speculation pointing to bidder impatience or the effect of endogenous entry on the Dutch auction.

7 IPO - Dutch auction 1 Both discriminatory and uniform price or Dutch auctions have been used for IPOs in many countries, although only uniform price auctions have been used so far in the US

8 IPO - Dutch auction 1 In the face of this resistance, the Dutch Auction is still a little used method in U.S

9 IPO - Dutch auction 1 Moreover, some forms of the Dutch Auction allow the underwriter to be more active in coordinating bids and even communicating general auction trends to some bidders during the bidding period

10 IPO - Dutch auction 1 An article in the Wall Street Journal cited the reasons as Broader stock-market volatility and uncertainty about the global economy have made investors wary of investing in new stocks.[ usiness/whiteglove-seeks-to-raise-325- million-in-dutch-auc/nRZg9/ WhiteGlove seeks to raise $32.5 million in 'Dutch auction' IPO]

11 Share repurchase - Dutch auction 1 The firm then compiles these responses, creating a supply and demand|demand curve for the stock.To understand the Dutch auction bidding and outcome from actual shareholder tendering responses, see Bagwell, Laurie Simon, Dutch Auction Repurchases: An Analysis of Shareholder Heterogeneity 1992, Journal of Finance, Vol

12 Share repurchase - Dutch auction 1 The first firm to utilize the Dutch auction was Todd Shipyards.Bagwell, Laurie Simon, Dutch Auction Repurchases: An Analysis of Shareholder Heterogeneity 1992, Journal of Finance, Vol. 47, No. 1, page 73.

13 List of Dutch inventions and discoveries - Dutch auction (1600s) 1 In addition to cut flower sales in the Netherlands, Dutch auctions have also been used for perishable commodities such as fish and tobacco.

14 Dutch auction 1 A 'Dutch auction' is a type of auction in which the auctioneer begins with a high asking price which is lowered until some participant is willing to accept the auctioneer's price, or a predetermined reservation price|reserve price (the seller's minimum acceptable price) is reached. The winning participant pays the last announced price. This is also known as a clock auction or an open-outcry descending-price auction.

15 Dutch auction - Auction process 1 In a Dutch auction, the item being sold is initially offered at a very high price, well in excess of the amount the seller expects to receive

16 Dutch auction - Auction process 1 Dutch auctions are a competitive alternative to a traditional auction, in which bids of increasing value are made until a final selling price is reached, because due to ever-decreasing bids buyers must act decisively to name their price or risk losing to a lower offer. -Dutch-Auction.htm

17 Dutch auction - A second item auction 1 There is some confusion over terminology. Some financial commentators and some third-party auction sites use the term Dutch auction to refer to Second price auction|second-price auctions, which are different from Dutch auctions.

18 Dutch auction - A second item auction 1 The price is $20 because that was the lowest successful bid (hence the second price). Since Bidder A was only awarded 1 item, and his original bid was for 2 items, he has the right to refuse the purchase of that partial amount. As a winning bidder, you have the right to refuse paying only if you are awarded less than the number of the items you were bidding on. If this were a Dutch Auction, the first bid made wins the item, regardless of value.

19 Dutch auction - Public offerings 1 The United States Department of the Treasury, through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY), raises funds for the U.S. Government using a Dutch auction. The FRBNY interacts with primary dealers, including large banks and broker-dealers who submit bids on behalf of themselves and their clients using the Trading Room Automated Processing System (TRAPS), and are generally told of winning bids within fifteen minutes.

20 Dutch auction - Public offerings 1 In this example the % at high is 66.66%, meaning only $3 billion of the $4.5 billion at 5.130% will get bonds. Bids will be filled from the lowest yield (highest price) until the entire $10 billion has been raised. This auction will clear at a yield of 5.130%, and all bidders will pay the same amount. In theory, this feature of the Dutch auction format leads to more aggressive bidding as those who in this case bid 5.115% will receive the bonds at the higher yield (lower price) of 5.130%.

21 Dutch auction - Public offerings 1 [] uses a two-sided Dutch auction to trade Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs).

22 Dutch auction - Dutch auction share repurchases 1 The firm then compiles these responses, creating a supply curve for the stock.To understand the Dutch auction bidding and outcome from actual shareholder tendering responses, see Bagwell, Laurie Simon, Dutch Auction Repurchases: An Analysis of Shareholder Heterogeneity,

23 For More Information, Visit: m/the-dutch-auction- toolkit.html m/the-dutch-auction- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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