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Jeopardy! Economics Terms New Science City Life Arts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Economics Terms New Science City Life Arts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Economics Terms New Science City Life Arts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Economics Meaning “let them be,” this means no government interference in business.

3 $100 Answer from Economics Laissez-Faire

4 $200 Question from Economics He is considered the “Father of Socialism.”

5 $200 Answer from Economics Karl Marx

6 $300 Question from Economics Name two positives of socialism.

7 $300 Answer from Economics No class system; no homeless; workers share wealth; no unemployment

8 $400 Question from Economics Who is the economist who favored capitalism?

9 $400 Answer from Economics Adam Smith

10 $500 Question from Economics He co-wrote the Communist Manifesto with Marx. He became a socialist after seeing the working conditions in his father’s factory.

11 $500 Answer from Economics Friedrich Engels

12 $100 Question from Terms This is the economic system where the means of production are owned by the people and wealth is distributed equally.

13 $100 Answer from Terms Socialism

14 $200 Question from Terms This term means ‘the workers.’

15 $200 Answer from Terms Proletariat

16 $300 Question from Terms This is the document that called for a ‘workers revolution.’

17 $300 Answer from Terms Communist Manifesto

18 $400 Question from Terms Charles Darwin’s theories were in direct contrast to this theory which said God created the universe.

19 $400 Answer from Terms Creationism or Intelligent Design

20 $500 Question from Terms What does utilitarianism mean?

21 $500 Answer from Terms The government should do what is best (the greatest happiness) for the greatest number of people.

22 $100 Question from New Science He believed that animals that can adapt to their environment would survive and lead to a process called ‘evolution.’

23 $100 Answer from New Science Charles Darwin

24 $200 Question from New Science Louis Pasteur discovered that these microorganisms cause disease.

25 $200 Answer from New Science Bacteria

26 $300 Question from New Science Gregor Mendel while working with pea pods discovered what?

27 $300 Answer from New Science Genetics – the gene theory

28 $400 Question from New Science This sociologist studied dogs to determine certain behavioral reactions to stimuli.

29 $400 Answer from New Science Ivan Pavlov

30 $500 Question from New Science This scientist discovered vaccinations.

31 $500 Answer from New Science Edward Jenner

32 $100 Question from City Life Name one city service that improved city life during the late 1800s.

33 $100 Answer from City Life Sewers; parks; garbage pickup

34 $200 Question from City Life During the late 1800s people now had time for leisure activities. Name one.

35 $200 Answer from City Life Glee clubs; golf; playing kids games; going to the park; operas; biking

36 $300 Question from City Life How did food “improve” during the late 1800s? (Give one reason)

37 $300 Answer from City Life Food could be canned. Food could be frozen. Food could be transported quicker.

38 $400 Question from City Life In search for jobs many people left Europe for the US, South America, and Australia. This is known as:

39 $400 Answer from City Life Immigration

40 $500 Question from City Life To leave one’s home country for a new land (and new city) means to do this:

41 $500 Answer from City Life Emigrate

42 $100 Question from Anything Goes Australia was colonized by the British for this purpose.

43 $100 Answer from Anything Goes Penal Colony

44 $200 Question from Art This artistic movement didn’t like structure and rules. They felt for the poor and weak.

45 $200 Answer from Art Romanticism

46 $300 Question from Anything Goes The original inhabitants of Australia are called this term.

47 $300 Answer from Anything Goes Aborigines

48 $400 Question from Anything Goes He was the Brit who ‘discovered’ Australia in 1770.

49 $400 Answer from Anything Goes Captain James Cook

50 $500 Question from Anything Goes This country had about 1 million people emigrate in the 1840s/1850s, most to the USA.

51 $500 Answer from Anything Goes Ireland

52 Final Jeopardy Economics Marx and Engels called the factory owners and managers who they thought were exploiting the workers this French term.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Bourgeoisie

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