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Strategies for School-wide Achievement

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1 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School Improvement Plan READING & WRITING Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR 100% of teachers will promote growth in students’ literacy skills through use of Tier I differentiation strategies.  Teachers will employ close-reading strategies to increase students’ comprehension of texts. Principal will: Monitor formative assessments (DRAs) Grade 1-3 (3 times per year) Monitor DRA in K (Winter and Spring) Monitor SRI data for students in grades 3-5 Teachers will: Analyze the DRA by examining the component parts of the focus of instruction. Hold conferences and strategy groups to address students’ particular needs, as evidenced by formative assessments. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X Use literacy student data to target student fluency Students will: Read orally with accuracy with appropriate rate and expression Use context cues to self correct Monitor formative assessments (DRA with Focus of Instruction Information, running records) 3x a year Teachers will use formative assessments to inform instruction (DRA) Submit DRA scores and Focus of Instruction data sheets (3 times per year) Teachers will use running records to inform instruction on targeted students (monthly) Analyze data to inform instruction (review small groups, resources) Use LASLinks scores to inform instruction.

2 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School READING & WRITING Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR 100% of classroom teachers will begin to implement elements of the Vermont Writing Collaborative initiative. Writing Teachers will explicitly teach content-area vocabulary to strengthen students’ verbal, academic vocabulary, and written expression. Principal will: Work with IDT members to examine student writing samples. Monitor classroom artifacts related to vocabulary instruction (e.g. word walls, published student work) Teachers will: Analyze student writing samples in IDTs and strategize next steps for their students. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X INTERVENTIONS FOR IDENTIFIED SUBGROUPS 100% of teachers will provide specific differentiated strategies for struggling students and ELLs. Teachers will implement and monitor differentiated strategies such as Guided Reading, skills groups, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Orton Gillingham, flexible groupings, and SIOP/ content-sheltered instruction. Review and analyze SRBI progress reports per marking period Monitor Assessment Binders to analyze data trends and student growth Use progress monitoring of SRBI strategies to inform small group instruction on a regular basis 

3 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School MATH Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR Teachers will engage students in instructional activities centered around Common Core State Standards and 21st century skills. Teachers will develop and implement math stations and other differentiated activities. Principal Will: Visit classrooms during math stations. Monitor classroom artifacts of differentiated math instruction. Teachers Will: Employ Everyday Math DFAs and unit assessments to plan activities for individuals and flexible groups of students. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X Principal will: Teachers will: INTERVENTIONS FOR IDENTIFIED SUBGROUPS 100% of classroom teachers will implement technology-based interventions to foster math fluency and comprehension. Teachers will implement platforms such as Dreambox and EM Online to targeted students. (Study Island) Review and analyze progress monitoring reports. Monitor student progress reports in online platforms, and use data to drive instruction.

4 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School SCIENCE Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR Teachers will engage students in the scientific process to develop meta-cognitive skills and knowledge of scientific principles. Students will engage in hands-on experiments featuring: Content vocabulary Questioning Observation and Analysis Principal will: Observe scientific experiments in classrooms and students’ written work. Monitor unit assessments in IDTs. Teachers will: Facilitate all steps of the scientific process, including reports on experiments. Employ non-fiction texts throughout the school day to increase student exposure to scientific concepts. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X

5 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School SCHOOL CULTURE Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR Staff will communicate/ demonstrate how individual students are being prepared for college and careers in the 21st century. Staff will gear events (such as Navigating Stark parent workshops) to communicate the meeting of individual needs and preparing students for the 21st century. Principal will: Work with staff members and parents (PFO and SGC) to plan and facilitate events. Teachers will: Encourage families to participate in events (e.g. through interaction and newsletters). Attend and/or facilitate events when possible. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X Staff will explicitly express expectations of college/career readiness to elementary Students. Facilitate a college spirit day in which staff and students wear college spirit wear. Reinforce monthly character strengths through the Stark Stars program (e.g. leadership in October) Expose students to colleges (e.g. names, emblems, mascots) through activities and displays. Have students reflect on and write about their career aspirations. Invite staff, parents, and community members to present on their careers and education.

6 Strategies for School-wide Achievement
Julia A. Stark School SCHOOL CULTURE Tier 2 Indicators Identify adult actions that will impact student achievement (Based on data) Strategies for School-wide Achievement What will it look like in the classroom? FW: Look Fors. Be Specific Progress Metrics Identify progress indicators to monitor the implementation and impact of each strategy. Timeline Place an X indicating when strategies will occur. WHOLE SCHOOL INDICATOR Staff will use multi-media (such as websites) to communicate with parents. Principal will: Assist teachers in the procurement and development of class websites. Teachers will: Develop class websites with academic tools for families. FALL’14 WIN’15 SPR15 X

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