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Julia Eileen Gillard is the leader of the Australian Labor Party and has been since 24 th of June, and Jenny McAllister is the president. The Australian.

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Presentation on theme: "Julia Eileen Gillard is the leader of the Australian Labor Party and has been since 24 th of June, and Jenny McAllister is the president. The Australian."— Presentation transcript:


2 Julia Eileen Gillard is the leader of the Australian Labor Party and has been since 24 th of June, and Jenny McAllister is the president. The Australian Labor party is Australia's oldest political party, dating back to before Federation. The Australian Labor party was first formed in Queensland 1891 and, during the ten years that followed, separate Labor parties emerged movement, which participated actively actively in the foundation of the infant political movement. Labour as a parliamentary force dates from 1891 in New South Wales, 1893 in South Australia and Queensland, and later in the other colonies. In New South Wales in 1891, the first election contested by Labour candidates, 35 of 141 seats were won by Labour candidates. Labour was in a balance of power position and had a stance of government support in exchange for policy concessions with the colonial Protectionist and Free Trade parties. In 1899, Anderso Dawson formed a minority Labour government in Queensland, the first in the world, which lasted one week while the conservatives regrouped after a split.

3 Tony Abbott is the leader of The Australian Liberal Party, and Alan Stockdale is the president of the Australian liberal party. In1944,the liberal party of Australia was founded after a three-day meeting held in a small hot not far from Parliament House in Canberra. The meeting was called by the leader of the opposition (United Australia Party)Robert Menzies. From 1996 to2007, the Howard Costelllo Government eliminated more then $96 billion in government debt, restored Australia’s AAA credit rating and delivered more jobs. Party founder Robert Menzies, UAP Prime Minister from 1939–41 and Liberal Prime Minister from 1949–66, and John Howard, Liberal Prime Minister from 1996–2007, were Australia's two longest serving Prime Ministers. Despite its late establishment in comparison to the older Australian Labor Party, the Liberal Party has spent more time in government than any other federal Australian political party.

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