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A testimony from young patients Timo Nerkko Finland Ceapir Budapest, October 25, 2010.

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1 A testimony from young patients Timo Nerkko Finland Ceapir Budapest, October 25, 2010

2 The involvement of young patients Ceapir has two meetings - spring with GA - autumn with some special theme Ceapir’s youngsters have their own planning group - own report - what they want and are looking forward to receiving from “the old kidneys”

3 Conferences for young kidney patients Knowing - what can we do together? Seeing - there are many other young patients Being - a good and living organisation needs me and I need them

4 Young patients’ needs and interests Young patients want fast action => something will have to happen!!! Meet others Work together Have some fun and good feelings

5 Young patients’ involvement Future – and dreams - how patients’ work would look ‘sexier’ in the media - every patient organisation must be seen and heard in social media (facebook, twitter) - national and local levels: every board has to give room for the young (plans and actions) - young patients have the right to make decisions about their own patient work - involvement in decision-making

6 Have a good time with the young ones! Take good care of your young patients! Give a chance! Tinja 1,5 years

7 Thank you! Kiitos! Köszönöm! Tinja 12 yrs

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