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Transboundary Water Cooperation & Climate change Some important points.

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1 Transboundary Water Cooperation & Climate change Some important points

2 Setting the stage Nile Basin – Governments have to deal with many issues and CC has to find its place in the priority order (MDGs, Poverty…) – Institutional issues are constraining transboundary cooperation (Cooperative Framework Agreement, NBI transforms to a River Basin Authority ? ) Zambezi Basin – Institutional issues – ZAMCOM is about to be established and will be a vehicle to implement IWRM (incl. CC considerations) – Water resources issues in Zambezi are more quality oriented than quantity oriented

3 Setting the stage Regional Climate Change Programme (SADC) – Sub-regional priority mapping based on population pressure, economies, institutions, infrastructure and CC parameters – CC is an important fator in regional security Mekong Basin – Integration of national and regional CC adaptation strategies needed – Important to share information and knowledge – MRC is a vehicle for sharing

4 Setting the stage Egypt’s perspective – Egypt depends totally on the Nile, which has a high sensitivity to CC – Uncertainties in application of Global Climate Models is large – predictions for the Nile flows ranges froma 30% increase to a 78% decrease

5 Key note addresses DIIS Research on 5 small basins – Local level conflict studies indicate that the number of conflictive and cooperative events are almost the same – at the moment…but CC may change this – A trusted mediator is important in a conflict situation

6 Key note addresses Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – The need for more emphasis on DRR is intensified by CC – Opportunity costs following a non-DRR approach need to be brought out clearly – Droughts are the most important natural disasters in economic, social and environmental terms

7 Key note addresses UNECE experience – laid down in Guideline – Information management incl. joint information generation and uncertainties – Financing systems are essential incl public and private adaptation funds, insurance, sharing of costs and benefits basinwide Floods - migration as a CC adaptation – Strategies necessitated by ”higher global population, environmental degradation increase incl CC, increase in national disasters” – Important to understand the factors leading to migration looking for other means of living

8 Group discussions Three themes were discussed in terms of Lessons learned (looking back) and Recommendations (charting the way ahead) – Institutional roles in relation to CC – Policy development at transboundary level to address CC – Actions and tools for CC and DRR Discussions were reported in plenary followed by plenary discussions and a panel discussion

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