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My Life, My Choice Anne McCormick Nov 2012 VASS Conference.

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1 My Life, My Choice Anne McCormick Nov 2012 VASS Conference






7 Who’s Life Is It Anyway? Please play DVD

8 Setting Direction Outlook reviewed its Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions, in response to both the Victorian State Disability Plan 2002-2012 & feedback from its service users, to more accurately reflect the following principles. –Person-centred, strengths-based and self-directed methodologies (for all stakeholders) –Inclusion –Diversity –Civic value and participation –Community capacity building.

9 Foundation Activities and Projects Phase 1: Breaking the Mould had a consultative focus – engaging participants, carers, families and workers in workshops focussed on changing mindsets from centre- based to community-based support utilising choice and resources. Phase 2: Changing Days trialled a community-based service delivery approach in the small town of Emerald (pop. 6000) and Berwick (pop. 36,000) in the south eastern growth corridor. Phase 3: Enhancing Sector Capacity-Leadership

10 Outcomes The outcomes of these projects demonstrated: –Organisational progress –strengthened organisations operation as a social enterprise; moving from a funding model to business model with customer focus – strengthened organisation culture & values – increased & broadened partnerships – enhanced brand & increased marketing & service geographic footprint

11 Outcomes Enhanced service systems manage change/transition process sensitively, consistently & systematically increased consultation & communication increased training & staff skill set ie community development/facilitation, leadership in community education, develop new position descriptions, document & confirm new service model & practice guidelines for staff increased resources (ie IT) improved community capacity-access, facilities, partnerships, resources)

12 –Improved client outcomes –greater demonstration of flexibility in service delivery and responsiveness to service user needs/feedback – enhanced culture of open communication – greater understanding and application of choice – increased skill development, enhanced understanding of self direction & application of individualised funding – greater community participation & integration, increased relationships, sense of self & civic value and increased self confidence. Outcomes

13 Key Messages Align the organisation’s philosophical and strategic statements with self direction and personalised supports. Take the time to develop and sustain trust and rapport with staff, participants and carers/families – keep everyone informed along the journey. Focus on the process, not just the outcomes and allow a gradual transition. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Barack Obama For further information visit:

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