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Industrialization, II: Changes in Society Urbanization –Rapid growth of cities –Environmental consequences: The Great Stink of London (1858) and miasmas.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization, II: Changes in Society Urbanization –Rapid growth of cities –Environmental consequences: The Great Stink of London (1858) and miasmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization, II: Changes in Society Urbanization –Rapid growth of cities –Environmental consequences: The Great Stink of London (1858) and miasmas –Housing problems –Diseases: typhus, typhoid fever, cholera, influenza –Diet




5 River Irwell, Manchester. The scum on the surface is the result of sewage.

6 Housing in Manchester

7 An attic occupied by a family of ten Illustrated Times, 1863

8 The New Industrial City

9 Worker Housing in Manchester

10 Housing for factory workers in New York – early 1900s

11 Housing for German Factory Workers -- 1902

12 Conditions of labor –Hours –Inside the factory –Women and children

13 Factory Wages in Lancashire, 1830 Age of WorkerMale WagesFemale Wages under 112s 3d.2s. 4d. 11 - 164s. 1d.4s. 3d. 17 - 2110s. 2d.7s. 3d. 22 - 2617s. 2d.8s. 5d. 27 - 3120s. 4d.8s. 7d. 32 - 3622s. 8d.8s. 9d. 37 - 4121s. 7d.9s. 8d. 42 - 4620s. 3d.9s. 3d. 47 - 5116s. 7d.8s. 10d. 52 - 5616s. 4d.8s. 4d. 57 - 6113s. 6d.6s. 4d.







20 American Textile Mill

21 British Children in the Mining Industry


23 Changes in the social structure –Decline of the aristocracy –Rise of a proletariat –Rise of the middle class & Victorian womanhood


25 Queen Victoria and family

26 Impact of Industrialization: Optimists vs Pessimists –Production 1780-1800 – doubled 1800-1851 – rose 3 ½ times –Population 1780 – 9 million 1851 – 21 million –Was it worth it? Irish example: agricultural and impoverished Blake, Wordsworth, Dickens, Zola protested treatment of workers Marxists wrote about the misery Revisionists argued that standards of living rose; idea of poverty being bad

27 Leisure –The nearly universal day off: Sunday –The rise of spectator sports: football & cricket –The pub W.G. Grace – Britain’s First Sport Celebrity

28 Responses to the Problems of Industrial Society –Luddites –Unions –Governmental reforms –Middle class vs. working class The Luddites, 1811-1816

29 Some Useful Websites – eforming_acts_01.shtml eforming_acts_01.shtml – EHAP_Topics/EHAP-Topic- IndutrialRevolution.htm EHAP_Topics/EHAP-Topic- IndutrialRevolution.htm – – d_rev/images/indust.html.htm d_rev/images/indust.html.htm – k14.html k14.html

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