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English Department FKIP-UNRI & UIR Drama.

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2 English Department FKIP-UNRI & UIR Drama

3 Drama Maisrul In general sense: Any performance having story on the stage Ex. Pantomime, Opera, Play (Theater) etc.

4 In Specific: A work of literature consisting of entirely dialogue, intended for actors to speak with accompanying gestures before the audience Drama Maisrul

5 In this sense Drama could be said as Play So the difference between Drama in general and Play: Drama belongs to any performance having story Play is drama that have dialogue as a mean to deliver the story

6 Drama / Play Maisrul Next time in this class whenever we talk about drama we refer to Play “Play is Drama but not all drama are play”

7 Drama / Play Maisrul Drama vs. Fiction In drama the story is delivered entirely by dialogue. In some parts, fiction has also dialogue, but it has narrative and description as well. In Drama, neither the audience nor the reader is conscious of the author’s existing. In Fiction, the narrative and description can give the author an opportunity to speak in his own person.

8 Elements of Drama: DDialogue SStory (Plot) CConflict CCharacters TTheme AAction SSetting

9 Drama / Play Dialogue Function as -to provide necessary factual information - to reminice; to recall ( bring to mind ) -to characterize - to speculate - to foreshadow

10 Drama / Play Story (Plot) Begin/exposition Rising action/ Complication Crisis/Climax Falling action Resolusion/Denuemen t According to Gustav Freytag, German playwright and novelist, in Die Technik des Dramas The peak of the conflicts; no other new conflicts appear.  climax  the turning point The main character made the decision making to put the conflicts an end  crisis

11 Drama / Play Conflict Interna l Externa l Person - PersonPerson - Group Group - group Man - nature The main problem in which the story talks about 1.State the conflicts 2.Identify the kind of the conflict

12 Drama / Play Place/Time Setting Function background Reinforcing the theme Antagonist Man - nature To identif y the relationship between the stor y and the setting

13 Drama / Play Setting Function Background: The setting is only to describe the place/time  where and when the story happen. There’s no close relation

14 Setting Function There’s a very close relation Reinforcing the theme: The story has relationship with the setting because story tells something about the setting time/place.

15 Setting Function It could be close relation or not close relation Antagonist: If the story has external conflict; Men vs nature. close relation : If the story is based on true story. Not close relation : If the story is not based on true.

16 Characters Static Characters Dynamic Characters Flat Characters Round Characters  Complex Characters  Simple Characters Main/Major Characters Minor Characters Antagonist & Protagonist Any person/individual in a story 1.To describe the characterization of the character  from behavior/attitude  from manner  from the way of thinking 2.To find out the kinds

17 Round Characters CHARACTERS Characters CHARACTERSCHARACTERS Based on the main part or roles in the story  Main/Major Characters  The character s in which the story focus on them  Minor Characters  The character sin which the story doesn’t focus on them 

18 Round Characters CHARACTERS Characters who are most complex and realistic; they represent a depth of personality. They frequently possess both good and bad traits, they may react unexpetedly or become entangled in their own interior conflicts. They also called as “Complex Character” - Dr. Jekyll in ‘Dr. Jekyll nd Mr. Hyde’ - Dr. Frankenstein in ‘Frankenstein Based on the personal traits

19 CHARACTERS They lack of realistic and have simple personality. They only concern on their own problems and interests. This character is also called “Simple Character” Flat Characters - Juana in ‘The Pearl’

20 CHARACTERS Based on the possibility to change  Dynamic Characters  The character that has possibility to change The change should be significant to the story  Static Characters The character that still remain the same from the beginning to the end of the story.

21 Round Characters CHARACTERS Characters CHARACTERS Based on normative value (if the conflict between good forces against bad (evil) forces) Antagonist  The character that’s regarded having bad temper, mood or behavior. The character ‘s always described as the opponent of the protagonist Protagonist  The character is described to posses a good moral, manner or behavior. The character always struggle against the antagonist

22 The way to interpret the characterization in a play can be based on:  1. The name and physical appearance  2. The individual’s patterns of action over the course of the play  3. The way a character speaks (dialect, word choice, background of intelligence)  4. The way a character responds  5. What others say about the character

23 s Symbol Something in the story that means more than what it is. It could be an object, a person, a situation that has a literal meaning in the story but suggest or represents other meanings as well. Ex. A flower or rose could mean a woman or a girl A sword could mean strength or power or have a knight’s value, like Excalibur sword from the Legend of King Arthur.

24 s Symbol 1. Universal /International Symbol Ex. 1. A flower or rose could mean a woman or a girl 2. Traditional/natural Symbol 3. Local/Personal Symbol 2. Dragon in Europe and in China 3. Ring in “The Lord of the Ring”

25 Drama / Play Theme Conflict Setting Characte rs Story/plo t Symbol The central though or idea of the story

26 s Theme 1.In form of statement; Sentence 2.The generalisation of human life 3. The central point of the story

27 Although the action of a play is suggested in the script, it is often considered as the product of the performance The implementation of action from the script or its realization is depend on the actor/actress on the stage or from the director.


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