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AP Biology March 7, 2012  BellRinger:  Explain how the number of choices an organism has may affect its mating behaviors  Objective:  Students will.

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2 AP Biology March 7, 2012  BellRinger:  Explain how the number of choices an organism has may affect its mating behaviors  Objective:  Students will familiarize themselves with the structure/function of animal reprodcutive systems.  Homework:  Ch 46 Notes  Chp 32 & 47 due Friday

3 AP Biology

4 2007-2008 Animal Reproduction & Development

5 AP Biology Overview  Reproductive Anatomy  Gametogenesis  Regulation  Development

6 AP Biology Structures  Gonads  testes & ovaries  produce reproductive cells & sex hormones  Ducts  transport gametes  Accessory Organs  secrete fluids  External Genitalia  strucs invol. with reproductive proceses

7 AP Biology Male Reproductive System Overview  Testes  Duct system- transports sperm & fluids  Epididymis  Ductus (vas) deferens  Urethra  Accessory organs-  Secrete fluids  Seminal vesicles  Prostate  Bulbourethral glands  External genitalia  Penis  Scrotum

8 AP Biology Female Reproductive Anatomy  Ovaries are the primary female reproductive organs  Make female gametes (ova)  Secrete female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone)  Duct System  uterine tubes  uterus  vagina  External genitalia – external sex organs

9 AP Biology Function of Reproductive System  creation of offspring by producing, storing nourishing, and transporting reproductive cells (gametes)

10 AP Biology March 8, 2012  BellRinger:  Explain the expression “a female is born with all of her eggs in one basket”  Objective:  Students will familiarize themselves with the structure/function of animal reproductive systems.  Homework:  Chp 32 & 47 due Friday  general idea of development & differences btwn phyla

11 AP Biology Think ahead…  How is gametogenesis different between males and females?

12 AP Biology Sperm production Epididymis Testis Coiled seminiferous tubules Vas deferens Cross-section of seminiferous tubule spermatozoa spermatids (haploid) secondary spermatocytes (haploid) primary spermatocyte (diploid) germ cell (diploid) MEIOSIS II MEIOSIS I  Spermatogenesis  continuous & prolific process  each ejaculation = 100-600 million sperm

13 AP Biology Spermatogenesis Puberty until death!

14 AP Biology Egg production Meiosis 1 completed during egg maturation Meiosis 2 completed triggered by fertilization ovulation  Oogenesis  eggs in ovaries halted before Anaphase 1  Meiosis 1 completed during maturation  Meiosis 2 completed after fertilization  1 egg + 2 polar bodies What is the advantage of this development system? unequal divisions

15 AP Biology Gametogenesis – note the differences Spermatogensis Oogenesis

16 AP Biology Learning Check  What is the function of gametogenesis? How are they different in males & females?

17 AP Biology Male and Female Differences  Meiosis  Males—produces four functional sperm  Females—produces one functional ovum and three polar bodies  Sex cell size and structure  Sperm are tiny, motile, and equipped with nutrients in seminal fluid  Egg is large, non-motile, and has nutrient reserves to nourish the embryo until implantation

18 AP Biology 2005-2006 Regulation: Reproductive hormones  Testosterone  from testes  functions  sperm production  2° sexual characteristics  Estrogen  from ovaries  functions  egg production  prepare uterus for fertilized egg  2° sexual characteristics LH & FSH testes or ovaries

19 AP Biology 2005-2006 Sex hormone control in males Hypothalamus Pituitary Testes Body cells GnRH FSH & LH testosterone

20 AP Biology The female pattern  Estrous cycles/estrus (many mammals)  Menstrual Cycle (humans & primates)  Hormonal Cycle  Regulation of FSH & LH by the pituitary  Regulation of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries  Ovarian cycles~  Follicular phase ~ follicle growth  Ovulation ~ oocyte release  Luteal phase~ hormone release  Uterine Cycle  Menstruation  Proliferative & Secretory Phases

21 AP Biology 2005-2006 LH FSH estrogen progesterone lining of uterus egg developmentovulation = egg release corpus luteum 07142128days Menstrual cycle Hypothalamus Pituitary Ovaries Body cells GnRH FSH & LH estrogen

22 AP Biology Egg maturation in ovary Follicle maturation  under hormonal control one follicle matures  ~Days 1-14 Ovulation  10-14 days after the onset of menstruation  one mature follicle will burst then release the secondary oocyte into fallopian tube Corpus luteum  produces progesterone to maintain uterine lining  Will remain through preg. if ovum is fertilized

23 AP Biology Ovulation Figure 16.11

24 AP Biology Menstruation & Ovulation  What factors can impact a woman’s menstruation?  At what point in the month is a woman most likely to get pregnant? (When is a woman most fertile?)  Create a 28 day calendar with the hormonal, uterine, and ovarian events to help answer these questions  P. 926 in the 5 th edition can help

25 AP Biology Fertilization  fertilization  cleavage  gastrulation  neurulation  organogenesis

26 AP Biology Fertilization  Joining of sperm & egg  sperm head (nucleus) enters egg

27 AP Biology Cleavage  Repeated mitotic divisions of zygote  1st step to becoming multicellular  unequal divisions establishes body plan  different cells receive different portions of egg cytoplasm & therefore different regulatory signals

28 AP Biology Cleavage  zygote  morula  blastula  establishes future development zygote blastula morula gastrulation

29 AP Biology  Establish 3 cell layers  ectoderm  outer body tissues  skin, nails, teeth  nerves, eyes, lining of mouth  mesoderm  middle tissues  blood & lymph, bone & notochord, muscle  excretory & reproductive systems  endoderm  inner lining  digestive system  lining of respiratory, excretory & reproductive systems Gastrulation ectoderm mesoderm endoderm protostome vs. deuterostome gastrulation in primitive chordates

30 AP Biology Neurulation  Formation of notochord & neural tube  develop into nervous system Notochord Neural tube develops into vertebral column develops into CNS (brain & spinal cord)

31 AP Biology Organogenesis Umbilical blood vessels Chorion Amnion Yolk sac Allantois Fetal blood vessels Maternal blood vessels Bird embryo Mammalian embryo Placenta

32 AP Biology Placenta  Materials exchange across membranes

33 AP Biology Human fetal development 7 weeks4 weeks

34 AP Biology Human fetal development 10 weeks

35 AP Biology Human fetal development 12 weeks20 weeks

36 AP Biology Human fetal development  The fetus just spends much of the 2 nd & 3 rd trimesters just growing …and doing various flip-turns & kicks inside amniotic fluid Week 20

37 AP Biology Human fetal development  24 weeks (6 months; 2nd trimester) fetus is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its skin is protected by a waxy material called vernix

38 AP Biology Human fetal development  30 weeks (7.5 months) umbilical cord

39 AP Biology Getting crowded in there!!  32 weeks (8 months) The fetus sleeps 90-95% of the day & sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming

40 AP Biology Birth positive feedback

41 AP Biology Intestine Placenta Umbilical cord Wall of uterus Vagina Cervix Birth (36 weeks) Bladder

42 AP Biology Parturition  OXYTOCIN~ stimulates uterine contractions  1 st stage:  Opening up and thinning of the cervix.  Ending in complete dilation.  2 nd stage:  Expulsion of the baby as a result of strong uterine contractions.  3 rd stage:  Expulsion of the placenta.  Lactation ~ prolactin & oxytocin

43 AP Biology The end of the journey! And you think 9 months of AP Bio is hard !

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