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Oprah Winfrey By Olivia. Full name: Oprah Gail Winfrey Date of birth: January 26 1954 Birth place: Kosciusko Mississippi Parents names: Vernita Lee [her.

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Presentation on theme: "Oprah Winfrey By Olivia. Full name: Oprah Gail Winfrey Date of birth: January 26 1954 Birth place: Kosciusko Mississippi Parents names: Vernita Lee [her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oprah Winfrey By Olivia

2 Full name: Oprah Gail Winfrey Date of birth: January 26 1954 Birth place: Kosciusko Mississippi Parents names: Vernita Lee [her mother] and Vernon Winfrey [her father]

3 Her family Oprah’s mom and dad were never married her grandmother’s name is Hattie Mae Lee Oprah gave birth to a baby boy when she was 14 the baby died when he was two weeks old

4 Childhood Oprah was raised on a farm with her grandmother she moved to Milwaukee In 1960 she lived her mother

5 Childhood in 1967 after repeated abuse she ran away the police caught her she was sent to live with her dad in Nashville Tennessee

6 Her Education she won a college scholarship in Speech Communications and Performing arts she went to Tennessee State University she graduated in 1976

7 The Lead up to her Show in 1976 she moved to Baltimore and co- anchored WJZ-TV news after WJZ-TV news,she co hosted People are Talking her career in talk show host began she moved again, to Chicago she was the talk show host of Am Chicago the ratings were bad she made it into the most talked about day time show

8 Her Show in 1985 the new name for Oprah’s show was The Oprah Winfrey Show she formed her own production HARPO Production she became the first to own and produce her own talk show

9 Awards a Oscar and a Golden Globe for her role in The Color Purple 3 Emmy award a Emmy award for Outstanding Informational Special a Life Achievement Award

10 map Mississippi

11 Timeline

12 Resources Web Sites Oprah Winfrey Oprah

13 Trivia Question What University did Oprah go to?

14 Trivia Answer Tennessee State University

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