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Research Tools How to make the most of searchable databases.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Tools How to make the most of searchable databases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Tools How to make the most of searchable databases

2 What do I want from this search? What is the general subject of my search question? What is my specific topic? What type of information do I need? What is the scope of my search, or how much information do I need?

3 What type of information do I need? General—Definitions, overviews. Use a general or subject specific encyclopedia. Numeric—statistical data, often with text. Directory—factual info about people, companies, products in tabular form. News based - Magazine and newspaper articles. Research— Academic or scholarly journal articles

4 Subject Specific Databases These are listed on your handout. Subject specific databases can contain reference or periodical material. What is Reference Material?

5 Periodical Databases We will discuss periodical databases highlighted on your handout. What is a periodical publication?

6 Beginning a search Choose your database. Use subject headings whenever possible. If not, use keywords. BE SPECIFIC! Keywords include author, title, subject headings and words in the abstract. Prioritize keywords.

7 Using Boolean Operators AND – Combine search terms and NARROW your search. OR—Add search terms and EXPAND your search. Use for common abbreviations and common language. NOT—Knock out terms to NARROW your search. Ask about Ms. Lamphier’s Doberman pinscher daughter!

8 Advanced Search Techniques Guided—multiple word search using Boolean operators in all searchable fields. Advanced—use menus to specify the field in which you want to search, such as author, title, publication title, etc.

9 More Search Techniques Truncation – roots & variations solu* = solution, solute, solubility, etc. Quotation Marks - Surround exact phrases “absolute zero” = allows no interruptions Combination Search – phrase AND Boolean “ von Willebrand” NOT doberman

10 References list Know your sources!!! Make sure you mark the author, page title, website publisher (database or general internet), copyright date, and date accessed. Use Noodlebib and choose APA style.Noodlebib Know your class name and partner emails!class name

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