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Bio-Gas in the Wastewater Sector Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Kevin Shafer, PE Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Bio-Gas in the Wastewater Sector Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Kevin Shafer, PE Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio-Gas in the Wastewater Sector Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Kevin Shafer, PE Executive Director

2 Current MMSD Energy Situation Summary Energy costs are significant to MMSD. MMSD has significant carbon footprint. Natural gas is most significant energy source: Financially BTUs Carbon footprint Reductions in energy use can save money.


4 Purchased Energy Energy Budget (2011): ~$13M 16% of O&M budget By Cost: 70% gas, 30% electricity By BTU: 90% gas, 10% electricity Total BTUs purchased at WRFs is ~10,000 Wisconsin residential homes

5 South Shore WRF Biogas BioGas converted to electrical power by Engine Generators. Air Used in Secondary Treatment Heat Used in Digestion Process Biosolids can be Transferred via 11-mile Pipeline.

6  Existing mixing system not effective ~ 40% VSR.  Goal is to achieve 55% to 60% VSR.  Increase gas production ~ 325,000 ft 3 /da Additional ~ 1.4 MW on-peak power generated Value of increased gas production ~ $300,000/yr Additional heat recovery from engines for digesters  Reduce biosolids mass ~ 18%  Increase effective capacity of digesters  Mixing technologies to be evaluated in design  Pump and nozzle (good mixing, higher energy)  Linear motion (fair mixing, less energy)  Bid October 2012 Complete 2016 SSWRF Digester Mixing


8 SSWRF High Strength Waste Receiving  Digester capacity increased with mixing project.  Industrial wastes fed to digesters to make gas.  Revenue for taking industrial wastes  Airport deicing waste has been fed for ~ 10 years.  HSW Receiving Facilities include:  Receiving station (AgriLife loadout station)  Storage (Modify existing tank)  Grinders and pumping (New)  Goal is > 60,000 ft 3 /da digester gas.  Value of additional gas > $50,000/yr  Minimum increase in digested biosolids

9 SSWRF High Strength Waste Receiving

10 Summary  Current Renewable Energy Projects  ~ 400,000 ft 3 /da digester gas  ~ 0.9 MW (7,884,000 kwh/yr)  ~ 1300 WI houses  Future Opportunities  Digester feed thickening  Others will be identified

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