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7 th Grade Assignments T2Week 11. 7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T2Week 11 Due February 23rd-4 Day Week Name________ __ Total Work Completed:

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Assignments T2Week 11. 7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T2Week 11 Due February 23rd-4 Day Week Name________ __ Total Work Completed:"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Assignments T2Week 11

2 7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T2Week 11 Due February 23rd-4 Day Week Name________ __ Total Work Completed: _______% Help: www.mrssyfert.wikispaces.c om 760-404-7289 (1-3) *No Messages Please Physical Education Assignments: ______P.E. Log (270 Minutes) ______PE Options Signed 5 PE Credits Due March 1st Grade__________ TW____________%

3 Pythagorean Theorum Video Packet

4 Math PPT….CD Lesson 2-7Ch. 2-8 PPT

5 Math Objectives: Students will… - Assignments:  for 7-3 and 7-4  Parent Signature______________  __________Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Questions -All  __________Chapter 7 Lesson 4 Questions-All  __________Pythagorean Theorum Review Packet  _______ Homework Practice Book 7-3 and 7-4  Grade_________  TW___________%

6 7 th Grade Language Arts Objectives: Students will…. Articulate the purpose of different forms of prose Understand how to read a poem with appropriate inflection, etc. Identify different forms of Poetry Write a Fictional Narrative Revise writing to improve organization

7 Vocabulary Quiz 1. ___Hyperbole 2. ___Rhythme 3. ___Free Verse 4. ___Epic 5. ___Elegy 6. ___Imagery 7. ___Onomatopoeia 8. ___Alliteration 9. ___Ode 10.___Lyric A. A poem mourning the loss of something B. poem with no regular rhythm or rhyme C. poem expressing the writers feelings D. Poem that celebrates something E. use of words to produce pictures in the readers mind F. Use of repetition of consonant sounds in words G. use of words that has words whose sounds echo their meaning (hiss) H. exaggeration used to evoke feelings (ie: The Bag weighed a ton!) I. a VERY LONG poem J. musical quality to a poem

8 Author Study…Pg. 612 Reader Writer NotebookPoem/Story Quickwrite Vocabulary Purpose Pg. 623-Poem Pg. 624-Narrative

9 CST Writing Test March 1st Persuasive Response to Literature Summary Narrative Why is this test important!!???

10 Persuasive Essay 1. Prompt 2. Rubric 3. Samples Teacher Edit…12:00 Due Today

11 Response to Literature Get with Partner Share Make 1 positive Make 1 Suggestion Share with me at 12 Revise and Edit Due next Week

12 Narrative Essays Plan Characters Setting Conflict Beginning Middle (Climax) End At least 15 minutes planning

13 Attacking a writing prompt… 1. Read and reread!!! 2. Underline key points 3. Plann!!! Plan!!! Plan!!! (See planner) 4. Write 5. Reread 6. Edit

14 What are they looking for in a Narrative Essay? See Rubric

15 Next Week’s Test L.A. Ch. 5 and Science Evolution LA Benchmark!! Add to your Assignment Sheet!

16 Into (Strategic Students) ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by parent) ____Interactive Reader for this week’s stories Through (All Students) ____Movie “Louder Than A Bomb” Critique ____Read “ Author Study” Pgs. 612-614. Complete Reader Writer Notebook. ____Read “Abuelito Who” Pg. 623. Do all Focus Questions. ____Read “The Place Where Dreams…” Pg. 624. Do Focus Questions. ____Literary Analysis Questions Pg. 626 (1-5) ____Edit/Revise Literary Response ____Read Narrative Workshop Pgs. 628-637. Write a Narrative Essay (Prompt given in Class) USE YOUR RUBRIC to strive for excellence! ____Poem Terms/Ch. 5 Review Quiz **Study for Ch. 5 Test ▫Grade______ TW__________

17 HOUSEKEEPING Stamp-Engineering Packet Check Work ▫Sci.- ▫History- ▫LA-Notebook, Please leave blanks open Telephone…no messages Take home projects and posters CST TEST- Tuesday, March 1 @ 10:00 1 st Conferences-Naomi, Nick, Anthony

18 Objectives: Students will… -Write an essay describing how natural selection occurs -describe what causes a “mutation” -explain why genetic variation is necessary for species to evolve -describe the 3 steps involved in species evolving

19 Evolutionary Sequence Map and Essay See Map ▫Good job Jon, Cole, Jamie See Pg. 225 Essay ▫Good Job ▫Use Planner ▫Final Essay and redone map- Due next week Populations overreproduce Individuals in the Population Vary “Favorable” Adaptation keep producing

20 Playdough Animal Project Partner Create your Animal!! ▫Isolation, Adaptation, Differentiation!

21 Burrowing Owl…A Fragile Species Handout Summary

22 Life Science Assignments: Into/Through _____Chapter 11 Assessment Pg. 235 _____Playdoh Animal Adaptation Project _____Chameleons Questions Pg. 233 _____Redo Natural Selection Sequence Map and Essay (Test Grade) (Not Jamie- both) (Not Jon/Cole-Map) _____Complete notecards and Sources Extinct Animal Research Paper due March 23 ***Study for Chapter 11 Test!!! Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: Chapter 9 Project Pg.188.

23 Objectives: Student will… -Explain the reason for the Crusades -Describe the results of the Crusades -Describe the effects of the Crusades on the economies and societies of Europe and Palestine -compare and contrast Japanese and European Feudalism

24 Medieval Europe Video Summary Summary Planner Redo Due next week Let’s try it in the movie!

25 The Crusades VideoCause 1…2…3…4.. Effects….you fill in

26 World History Assignments: Into/Through ____Read Ch. 10 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes. ____10-2 Questions Pg. 331 ____Crusades Cause Effect Maps _____Feudalism Compare Contrast Planner and Essay Redo _____Video Summary Redo Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: -Watch a movie involving Knights….summarize

27 Novel-Old Man and the Sea Finish over break

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