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Status of the CMS GEM Project
Michael Tytgat on behalf of the CMS GEM Collaboration RD51 Collaboration Meeting, October 16, 2013 Outline Introduction CMS Muon Trigger motivation Detector construction and tests Production quality control Integration into CMS DAQ and Electronics Towards LS3 October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
The CMS GEM Project Install triple-GEM super chambers (double stations) in 1.6<|η|< endcap region: Restore redundancy in muon system for robust tracking and triggering during HL-HLC Improve L1 and HLT muon momentum resolution to reduce or maintain global muon trigger rate Ensure ~ 100% trigger efficiency in high PU environment GE1/1 GE2/1 LS3 LS2 GEMs: R&D Project CMS 10.02; The LS2 Project October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Project Milestones OVER FOUR YEARS OF R&D Small prototypes, bench tests; picked GEMs among MPGDs for further study Established space and time resolution achievable First Large-area GEM foils produced with Single Mask technology First large-area GE1/1 prototype; beam test 2011 Second redesigned GE1/1 prototype (smaller gaps b/w GEMs) “GEM Collaboration (GEMs for CMS)” constitutes itself in May CMS week (76 collab. from 15 inst. ) Summer beam tests (including first test in CMS test magnet) Established 100µm (300µm) res. with analog (binary) r/o chip NS2 GEM foil assembly technique w/o spacers Preliminary electronics design starts October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Project Milestones 2012 Beam tests – Magnetic Field Operation and fine space and time resolution on large size established Working Groups Detector Hardware Physics Studies Trigger Simulations Detector Physics Group Integration and Services Electronics & DAQ Online Operation Collaboration Expanded 42 Institutions, 183 collaborators EOI, ~ 75 authors 6 GE1/1 full size NS2 detectors produced CMS approval for installation of GE1/1 demonstrator, i.e. 2 Super Chambers covering a 20° sector in YE1/1 during LS2 (2x36 Super Chambers = 144 triple-GEMs) “Motivation” plots approved by CMS GE1/1 TDR on track 2013 October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GE-1/1 proposal for LS2 Proposal calls to instrument the part of first muon station closest to the beam with a set of triple-GEM chambers: Highest rates in the entire system Only CSCs, no redundancy RPC coverage ends at |η|=1.6 ME1/b GE1/1 ME1/a Even chambers Odd chambers October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
CMS Muon Trigger Challenges
Forward region |η|>1.6 trigger relies entirely on the CSC system General trend is lowering efficiency towards higher eta to compensate for higher background rates Optimal operating point is a function of PU (7 and 8 TeV are different) CSC is a superb system but it is not PU-proof: Efficiency losses grow with PU High L1 trigger rates in the very forward region L1 trigger rates “flattening” The period between LS2 and LS3 is the most difficult time: Current system at the edge and the foreseen L1 Tracking Trigger is not yet online October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Forward Muon Trigger Muon momentum from stub positions ΔφXY=φ(ME-X)-φ(ME-Y) Measurement driven by Δφ12: ME-1/1 “drives” precision (least scattering) Slow turn-on: Efficiency plateau is 20-25% above L1 threshold “Flattening”: mismeasured soft muons Soft muons scattering in the absorber can occasionally have stubs aligned like for a high pT muon (rare, but lots of soft muons); tails in L1 momentum resolution Only two handles on pT mismeasurements: Nstubs (out of 4) and ME-1/1 stub presence; both are used to define quality of the CSC TF tracks (used in GMT) Can’t push too far without large efficiency losses PU reduces trigger efficiency by few % 91% plateau Zero PU October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GEM-CSC “Bending Angle”
View from the top of CMS down L1 muon momentum resolution can be improved with a second muon system, allowing to measure the “bending angle” A GEM detector in YE-1/1 (the least affected by scattering, largest B) Increase “lever arm” from 10cm to Δz=30-50cm (physical constraints) Need ~2 mm or better trigger resolution to effectively discriminate 5 GeV from 20+ GeV muons October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Detector Hardware 2013/14 2010 2011 2012 2013 Generation I The first 1m-class detector ever built but still with spacer ribs and only 8 sectors total. Ref.: 2010 IEEE (also RD51-Note ) Generation II First large detector with 24 readout sectors (3x8) and 3/1/2/1 gaps but still with spacers and all glued. Ref.: 2011 IEEE. Also RD51-Note Generation III The first self-stretched sans-spacer detector, but with the outer frame still glued to the drift. Ref.: 2012 IEEE N Generation IV The current generation that we have built two of at CERN so far, with four more to come from the different sites. No more gluing whatsoever. Upcoming papers from MPGD 2013 and IEEE2013. Generation V The upcoming detector version that we will install. One long and one short version. Optimized final dimensions for max. acceptance and final eta segmentation. October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Full-size GE1/1 Detectors Developments in Time
2013/14 2010 2011 2012 2013 QC of Production GE1/1 chambers with final electronics Production and QC of detectors First prototype of VFAT3 Slice installation Slice and trigger commissioning 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Full installation of GE1/1 with final electronics Full-production of chambers and electronics started October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Current GE1/1 Detectors Single-mask & self-stretching techniques Gap sizes: 3/1/2/1 mm Sectors : 3 columns x (8-10) η partitions Strip pitch: mm 1D readout of up to 3840 channels 35 HV sectors October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
NS2 Self-Stretching Technique
October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Detector Frames External frame : Originally made of 8 pieces, glued together; gave problems to fit onto PCB, 2 days needed for gluing and hardening Present version made of 1 single piece, with special tool to dril lateral holes Internal frames: Made of 8X4 pieces: 8 pieces for each of the 4 frames used to make the GEM stack Sandblasting and polyurethane to prevent dust problems October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Current GE1/1 Detectors GEM foil in inner frame assembly GEM foil with inner & outer frame Inside of readout board with O-ring seal Base pcb with drift electrode No spacers in active volume -sector with 384 radial readout strips October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GE1/1 Readout & Drift Board
vias Strip side External side Readout board: metalized vias bring the signal to the other side of the board; panasonic connector with 128 entries is soldered on the strips Drift board: HV spring contacts to connect foils to HV; 4 contacts per GEM (Top/Bottom + redundant connection) HV divider Soldering spring contacts HV filter October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Exploded GE1/1 View Cover Position of HV Divider DC-DC Converters
Cooling GBT’s Connectors & FE Hybrids GE1/1 Triple-GEM Chamber October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GE1/1 Cooling System The cooling system has been studied/simulated taking into account electronics power dissipation (based on VFAT) The cooling system will ensure a chamber temp. uniformity of (20 1) 0C 44mm 50mm VFAT PCB VFAT power – 600mW VFAT chip dimensions ~10×10mm Connectors – 6mm high 3mm PCB 6mm Cu pipe 1mm Cu strip VFAT chip 6mm/8mm at 18o C VFAT PCB Panasonic connectors Soldered to the pipe 6.5mm R/o strips October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GE1/1 Gain Uniformity Rate Gain measured per sector to probe uniformity across surface HV (V) October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Detector Simulation Studies
Ongoing simulation effort in several areas: Standalone simulation of a triple-GEM cell, with GARFIELD and ANSYS or MAXWELL : Detector gain Response uniformity (check with X-ray results) Signal induction and timing studies Gas gap variations Background simulations (neutrons & photons) with GEANT4: GEM sensitivity/response to neutrons and photons Effect on GEM muon trigger and reconstruction performance FastSim: fast GEM simulation parametrized using GARFIELD input October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Aging CERN GIF CMS prototype A CMS GE1/1 detector was installed in the CERN GIF; detector performance and environmental & gas parameters monitored: Ensure long-term operation inside CMS Understand effects of radiation on the materials Understand ageing origin (if any) and propose solutions lead shield CMS high-η GEM max. integrated charge Gain of 2x104 50 MHz/cm2 X-rays, 10 days = > 20 C/cm2 integrated LHCb GEM settings: Drift: 3 kV/cm, Others: 3.5 kV/cm Induction: 5 kV/cm Gain: 8 x 103 – 104; Gas mix: Ar/CO2/CF4 (45:15:40) October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Possible Assembly Sites
USA FIT India BARC CERN: 186 CERN Foil Production and final detector QC Italy Bari LNF Belgium Ghent University Installation in CMS October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GE1/1 Quality Control Final detectors for installation in CMS will undergo strict Quality Control in the different assembly sites: Measure the leakage current of the GEM foils before, during and after the detector assembly Validate the readout board by verfiying the connections of the strips to the readout connector Measuring the detector gain uniformity with Mini-X and SRS/APV system Response to x-ray checked for each η sector GE1/1 detector uniformity October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Super Chamber Dummies 3 Super Chamber dummies were produced earlier this year to optimize design and to perform trial insertion into CMS: no detector and no electronics inside all positions for gas , cooling and electronics connections at the right place dimensions as a real super chamber October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Trial Installation in CMS
October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
2014: Final Detector Geometry
Final (?) GE1/1 version should extend as much as possible in |η| : “long” and “short” super chamber version Several integration issues to solve new version Old version October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
DAQ and Electronics Global Requirements on electronics: provide necessary input from all GEM detectors to Muon Triggering and Tracking GEM detectors: Design optimized for gas detectors, in particular GEMs Triggering: Provide “Fast OR” trigger information with granularity of 2 or more channels to send locally to CSC Trigger Mother Board Timing resolution <8ns Tracking: Provide full granularity tracking data on receipt of a LV1A Be compatible with CMS trigger upgrade possibilities: LV1A latency < 20μs LV1A rate < 1MHz Poisson October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
DAQ and Electronics GBT protocol Or 8b/10b encoding ? 2 Bidir. optical 3.2 Gbps October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Front-End ASIC Options
VFAT3: Front-end with programmable shaping time Internal calibration Binary memory Interface directly to 320Mbps Designed for high rate (10kHz/cm2 depending on segmentation) GdSP: Similar to VFAT3, except has an ADC for each channel instead of comparator Internal DSP allows subtraction of background artifacts, enabling clean signal discrimination Center of gravity is possible to achieve finer pitch resolution October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
VFAT3 VFAT3 chosen for GEM Demonstrator and GE1/1 full installation during LS2 VFAT3 analog discriminator will use CFD or TOT to correct time walk VFAT3 STT version (Separate Tracking & Triggering) : different paths for triggering and full granularity information October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
GEB = GEM Electronics Board M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Electronics System GEB = GEM Electronics Board GEM OptoHybrid October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Trigger Concerns for LHC Phase 2
Phase-2 muon Level-1 trigger will rely on tracking trigger and muon candidate matching But, track trigger fake rate grows with η; maintaining reasonable trigger rate causes severe inefficiencies for |η|> GE-1/1 is doing exactly what one wants it to do for |η| < 2.1: it compensates for the weakening of the tracker’s suppression power at higher |η| by strengthening the muon system How do we cover region |η|>2.15 ?? Reco’ed stubs pT>2 Stubs from true particles w/ pT>2 Muon gun pT>5 GeV Efficiency includes track finding only. No muon system inefficiencies incorporated. October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Ideas for Phase-2 CMS Muon System
Near tagger ME-0 at the back of present HE with trigger capabilities in |η|>2.1; can be integrated with the calorimeter if desired GE-1/1 + GE-2/1 GEM stations RE-3/1 + RE-4/1 gRPC stations ? LS2 LS3 LS3 October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Extending Muon Coverage
CMS is looking into a possibility to extend tracking to |η|~4.0 Forward pixel extension A new “Near Tagger”: a large increase in offline acceptance up to |η|=4 ME0: small area, but nearly doubles CMS muon coverage Can optionally be integrated into the new forward calorimeter Match muon stubs and forward pixel extension tracks Muon system improves momentum resolution October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Summary Over 4 years of R&D initiated in 2009 within the RD51 Collaboration resulted in partial approval for installation of triple-GEM detectors in CMS During LHC Year-End Technical Stop of (?), two Triple-GEM Super Chambers will be installed in YE1/1 Awaiting further green light from CMS Management for full GE1/1 installation during LS2 Preparing GE1/1 Technical Design Report, ready for October 2014 GEMs are now also being considered as candidate technology for further CMS upgrades during LS3 (ME-0 muon tagger, forward calorimetry) See also CMS GEM talks in WG6/7 & WG2 sessions by J. Merlin, P. Barria, A. Zhang, A. Marinov GE1/1 detector today @ FNAL test beam October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Backup Slides October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Summary of Effects on Trigger
A second detector with high spatial resolution in station YE-1/1 provides new powerful ways to improve forward muon triggering Much improved resolution eliminates the famous “rate flattening” problem A factor of x5-10 reduction in the trigger rate in the region covered by GEMs (1.6<|η|<2.1) When averaged over (1.1<|η|<2.1), effectively a factor of 2 reduction in muon trigger rate for the entire forward region Amplified improvement from combining the new handles with the existing ones – a better final trigger system While critical for the time period between LS2 and LS3, will remain very important beyond LS3 as L1 inner tracking trigger performance likely to be limited beyond |η|=1.8 Installing additional GEM stations (ME-2/1) in LS3 is expected to allow efficient triggering beyond |η|=2.1 October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Effect on Trigger & Physics
13 42 Example of where GE1/1 (1.6<|η|<2.1) can help: Upgraded Muon TrackFinder alone only allows decreasing the threshold from 42 to 25 GeV (with 9% efficiency loss) Using GEM-CSC “bending angle”, allows to lower pT threshold from 42 to 13 GeV while increasing the efficiency Hττ μτhad signal: fast falling muon momentum spectrum requires low pT thresholds; loose half (!) of the acceptance every time pT threshold by 10 GeV GEM+CSC yield improved background rejection and result in ~20% increase in acceptance no L1 upgrade GEM+CSC L1 upgrade October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
Muon detectors in new endcap
At back of present HE Totally new calorimeter Existing structure too “hot” Coverage options: Minimal (top), maximal (bottom) shown on right {1.5, 2.1, 2.4} < |h| < {3.5, 4.0} Complement or replace ME1/1 “Integrated” option Build all of HE with GEM technology, for example m new HE m October 16, 2013 M. Tytgat - RD51 Collaboration Meeting
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