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Tech Days: Recruiting The Next STARS Allison Loehr and Matthew Russi.

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Presentation on theme: "Tech Days: Recruiting The Next STARS Allison Loehr and Matthew Russi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tech Days: Recruiting The Next STARS Allison Loehr and Matthew Russi

2 Introduction  Why Outreach?  What We Do  How to Manage Outreach  Funding  Tracking Outreach  Developing Your Group of Leaders  A Pipeline to STARS

3 Why Outreach?

4  Investing in our future  The kids we reach out to could be future STARS

5 What We Do at FSU

6  Target STEM programs  Build relationships early  Create a bridge from high school to college

7 Technology Student Association (TSA)  Nationwide organization promoting personal growth and leadership  Focuses on the disciplines of technology, innovation, design and engineering  FSU STARS has a strategic partnership with Florida TSA  Provides help with two statewide conferences  First-hand interactions with the students

8 TSA By The Numbers  From 2009-2013, national membership has increased steadily  2009: ~ 150,000  2013: ~ 190,000  35% female and minority representation  75% college-bound

9 STARS and TSA – What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

10 STARS and TSA – Where Is Technology Heading?

11 Leadership Conference  Mentored teams of middle and high school students  Coordinated events  Reached 300 kids  Functioned as both mentors and team leaders




15 State Conference  Judged student competitions  Different level of interaction than the leadership conference  Reached 1300 students and parents  Functioned as judges and college connection




19 Tech Days at FSU  We bring the schools to us  Activities include:  Tour of Seminole Productions  3D movie theater  Q&A with students  Campus scavenger hunt






25 On the Road  Focus on schools with a STEM/TSA related program



28 How to Manage Outreach

29 Process  Build a database of potential schools  Find a contact to reach out to at each school  Identify teachers or advisors that may run tech-related groups and clubs  Cultivate the contacts to schedule a visit

30 How to Manage Outreach  We talked about maintaining a database of schools and contacts, how can this help you manage and expand your outreach efforts?  Break into groups of 5

31 Funding

32  Show your school’s administration the benefits  The organization you work with may be able to financially support some of your efforts  Goal is to show you are investing in your school’s future and the future of the students.

33 Where to Get Funding  Every school is different  How would YOU go about getting funding?  Go back into your groups and discuss

34 How to Track Outreach

35  Follow up!  How would YOU track it?

36 Impact  We have visited 12 schools in the past 18 months and have talked to 2000+ students.  4 year partnership with TSA (and potentially much more!)  FSU STARS currently has two TSA alums with two more joining in the fall.

37 Tips  Do: Reach out to multiple people at one school  Don’t: Wait for someone to e-mail you back

38 Tips  Do: Follow-up with the schools you visit  Don’t: Harass them

39 Tips  Do: Talk to the kids  Don’t: Be a walking advertisement for your school

40 Tips  Do: Your research on the school and its programs  Don’t: Assume each one is a good fit

41 Developing Leaders  Activities to promote leadership?  How can you apply these?  Break into your groups

42 Creating a pipeline to STARS  We want STARS to become the next step for kids coming out of STEM or TSA programs

43 Moving Forward…  Focus on better tracking methods  Approach alumni for potential funding  Create STEM programs instead of visiting pre-existing ones

44 Questions?

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