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It can be red,purple,blue, yellow, white, or colorless Hardness 2 1/2 It tastes salty.

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Presentation on theme: "It can be red,purple,blue, yellow, white, or colorless Hardness 2 1/2 It tastes salty."— Presentation transcript:


2 It can be red,purple,blue, yellow, white, or colorless Hardness 2 1/2 It tastes salty


4 Know as foolsgold It is brassy yellow It’s formula is FeS2


6 Silver gray color Shows Cleavage Heavy


8 Chemical formula is Fe2o3 Bright red to dark red No Cleavage


10 Can Be colorless, white, pink, smoky,or purple Looks glassy chips or breaks like glass Hardness is 7 on Moh’s scale


12 Can be colorless, white,tan,pink, blue, brown, gray, or reddish brown Luster is pearly, silky, or waxy. Streak is white


14 Can be white, green, pink, or gray Hardness is very close to glass It is in a group of minerals that consist of about 60% of earths crust


16 It is the color jade It’s hardness on the moh’s scale is 5 to 6 It is toxic


18 Black and green Its name comes from the greek words fire and stranger Planes make a square shape


20 Can be purple, green, yellow, or orange Crystals are cubes It has cleavage


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