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BOARD OF DIRECTORS. CNSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The CNSA Board of Directors is elected annually to serve the students of the School of Nursing. The Board.

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2 CNSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The CNSA Board of Directors is elected annually to serve the students of the School of Nursing. The Board is a passionate group of individuals dedicated toward professional development, academic and emotional support, community outreach, legislative change, and a positive image of nursing. We are always looking for ways to better serve our members.

3  President  Vice President  Treasurer  Secretary  Breakthrough to Nursing  Fundraising  Legislative  Community Health  Membership/Mentors hip  Global Initiatives  Communications  Image of Nursing CNSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

4  Leadership  Outgoing  Communication skills  Resourceful  Enthusiastic  Values learning and growth  Organized  Time management  Team player  Multi-tasker BOD CHARACTERISTICS

5 IMAGE OF NURSING Responsibilities:  Promote a positive and accurate image of nursing  Keep CNSA members and the Board informed of society's current view of nursing  Recognize and celebrate nurses during the annual Nurses Appreciation week

6 IMAGE OF NURSING Time commitment: 2-4hrs/week Main Events: Nurses appreciation Week, Point Loma CNSA mixers, ION Campaign with State CNSA Qualities: Positive personality, creative, outgoing

7 COMMUNICATIONS Responsibilities:  Coordinate, publish, and distribute the Vital Signs newsletter every semester  Build and maintain the SDSU CNSA website  Send outstanding articles to Range of Motion and Imprint Magazines

8 COMMUNICATIONS Time Commitment: varies  1.5 hours post-CNSA meeting  15 hours per week during VS Qualities: Organized, creative, attentive to detail, ability to write professionally, computer literate (microsoft word)

9 GLOBAL INITIATIVES Responsibilities:  Increase cultural competency to help eliminate culture related healthcare disparities between patients and providers  Create a monthly cultural flyer  Coordinate a student-led Medical Spanish class  Coordinate and plan activities for nursing exchange students who come to visit SDSU  Provide opportunities to expose SDSU SON students to holistic nursing options  Provide creative opportunities to help students gain cultural awareness

10 GLOBAL INITIATIVES Time commitment: 2 hours per week Main Events: Integrative Health Nights, Medical Spanish, Where Will Nursing Take You, Holistic Happy Hour Qualities: Creative, outgoing, passionate, culturally aware

11 MEMBERSHIP/MENTORSHIP Responsibilities:  Recruit and retain CNSA members  Keep a current up to date list of CNSA members  Coordinate Mentors and Mentees  Plan at least two mentor/mentee events a semester

12 MEMBERSHIP/MENTORSHIP Time Commitment: varies  Heightened at the beginning and end of semester: 15 hours a week  Throughout the semester: 4-5 hours a week Main Events: Basic Lab Value, Med Admin, Mentor/Mentee Bonding Qualities: outgoing, positive attitude, good role model, good listener, able to give guidance and constructive feedback, approachable

13 COMMUNITY HEALTH Responsibilities:  Organize and coordinate community projects while giving nursing students opportunities to utilize their knowledge and skills  Provide avenues for community outreach for our nursing students to help cultivate leadership and nursing-relevant experience  Form the community health projects committee

14 COMMUNITY HEALTH Time Commitment: 6 hours per week Main Events: Light the Night, Relay for Life, UCSD Health Screenings Qualities: compassionate, creative, dependable,

15 LEGISLATIVE Responsibilities:  Keep the chapter bylaws current  Coordinate and supervise the new officer elections in spring  Include legislative information and bills pertaining to health care in each issue of Vital Signs  Act as liaison between state and national associations and our chapter in regards to the resolutions being presented at the conventions

16 LEGISLATIVE Time Commitment:  Summer: 2 hr per week for 1 month (Bylaws)  Fall & Spring Semester: 5 hr per week Main Events: Speaking of Nursing, How to Write a Resolution Qualities: interested in legislation

17 FUNDRAISING Responsibilities:  Inform all students of merchandise for sale  Coordinate all fundraising projects  Design, order, and distribute merchandise  Maintain accurate records of inventory and sales invoices  Conduct appropriate correspondence with vendors  Coordinate with the Treasurer in paying the vendors, depositing fundraising money, and tracking inventory

18 FUNDRAISING Time Commitment:  Busiest during NSO, White Coat Ceremony, Pinning Ceremony – at least 8 hours to prep  Weekly time commitment varies depending on orders and people asking you for orders Main Events: NSO, White Coat Ceremony, Pinning Qualities: creativite, coordinating volunteers during sales

19 BREAKTHROUGH TO NURSING Responsibilities:  Educate the community about the profession of nursing  Encourage recruitment and retention of minorities to increase the diversity of nursing  Promote a positive, accurate image of nursing  Work with local high schools to give in-class presentations on nursing

20 BREAKTHROUGH TO NURSING Time Commitment:  5 hours per week planning/emailing  10 hours per week for Nursing Revealed preparation Main Events: Men in Nursing, Nursing Revealed, Explore SDSU, SD Science Festival, High School Presentations, College Fairs, Girl Scouts Qualities: comfortable speaking in front of others, positive role model, & want to give guidance and support to younger students Note: Co-Director should be in a different semester in order to share the weight of events and meetings

21 SECRETARY Responsibilities:  Record the minutes of all general membership meetings  Keep a master calendar of all SDSU CNSA, CNSA, and NSNA activities  Work with the Communications Director to keep the website up to date  Inform Faculty Advisors of events and meetings  Organize and update the CNSA bulletin board and display case in Hardy Tower

22 SECRETARY Time Commitment: 5 hours per week Qualities: computer literate (microsoft word & excel)

23 TREASURER Responsibilities:  Handle all SDSU CNSA funds and transactions  Keep accurate financial records of all SDSU CNSA expenses  Develop a SDSU CNSA budget  Submit a monthly financial report to the faculty advisors and NSNA  Coordinate the convention scholarships

24 TREASURER Time Commitment: 4 hours per week, slightly increased at the start of each semester during budget preparation Note: May change with new change in banking system. Main Events: Sales at New Student Orientation, White Coat, Pinning Qualities: trustworthy, flexible, comfortable working with numbers, able to keep clear records

25 VICE PRESIDENT Responsibilities:  Organize and put on New Student Orientations for students coming through our original and new program pathways  Serve as a role model and support system for all fellow nursing students while they progress through the program

26 VICE PRESIDENT Time commitment :  Increased time commitment during break, around time of events (10 hr/week)  During the school year it varies depending on needs of others (3- 5 hr/week) Main Events: Freshman Orientation, New Student Orientation Qualities: confident, adaptable, work well with others

27 PRESIDENT Responsibilities:  Support the Board of Directors  Conduct the Board of Directors and general membership meetings  Keep members up to date with the current happenings of the state and national associations  Attend the faculty meetings and serve as the student and CNSA representative  Attend the state and national convention and serve as the head school representative

28 PRESIDENT Time commitment: 10-20 hours per week Main Events: White Coat, Pinning Qualities: management, public speaking, adaptability, accountability


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