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Green Technology October 2009. What is Green Technology?  Also called environmental technology, or clean technology.  Application of environmental science.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Technology October 2009. What is Green Technology?  Also called environmental technology, or clean technology.  Application of environmental science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Technology October 2009

2 What is Green Technology?  Also called environmental technology, or clean technology.  Application of environmental science to conserve natural environment and resources.  Applications must be socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally sound.

3 Why is Green Technology Important?  Global Warming  Species Diversity  Cost Savings  Other Environmental Effects

4 “Any energy that is not coming from wind or solar panels is generating hydrocarbons which pollute the environment and contribute to global warming” (L. Elshof)

5 Green Technology at Home  What are some examples of green technology that is designed for use around the home?  Ex: –LED Lightbulbs –Geothermal Heat Pumps –Wind Turbines –Solar Water Heaters –Programmable Thermostat –Solar Panels

6 Economic Impact vs. Environmental Impact  Are green energy systems more expensive to operate than regular systems?  Is it worth the extra money spent up front to install a green energy system?

7 Lets look at some designs…

8 Green Power

9 Green Heating Systems

10 Reducing Power Consumption Any other ideas?

11 Assignment 1: How Much Carbon Does Your Household Produce?  Go to  Click calculate –Go to home calculator  Enter the information that you know for a given range of time to see your carbon footprint.

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