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In this challenge we have to: Replace this with your class version  To find out more about the Hajj and what it is like being a Muslim pilgrim…  You’re.

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Presentation on theme: "In this challenge we have to: Replace this with your class version  To find out more about the Hajj and what it is like being a Muslim pilgrim…  You’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 In this challenge we have to: Replace this with your class version  To find out more about the Hajj and what it is like being a Muslim pilgrim…  You’re going to do this by completing a group project task.  Remember that this is also your levelled task (you are aiming for a level 5).  Today is your last lesson on your group project task – you only have half of today’s lesson, as we need time to evaluate your group’s work. You are working with others, communicating, using ICT, applying numbers & problem solving…

2 Things you need to include in your Hajj company’s website:  A minimum of 4 PowerPoint slides  A name & logo for your Hajj company  A map showing where Makkah (also spelt Mecca) is (Mecca is in a country called Saudi Arabia)  An itinerary for the pilgrimage (use your Hajj route map to give you all of the details for this)  A photo gallery, with labelled pictures of what pilgrims would expect to see during their Hajj pilgrimage  Prices of different pilgrimage packages (e.g. a luxury package – an economy package)  An explanation of why Hajj is important for Muslims & the impact that the Hajj pilgrimage can have on a Muslim’s life & faith – This is important to get level 5, remember this challenge is your levelled task. These websites of Hajj companies that pilgrims actually use might be useful for ideas…

3 The way that you do well in challenges like these are very similar to the way that you do well in football - you need to play by the ‘Fair Play Rules’. These mean that: All members of the team consider each other. All members of the team play for each other (it’s a team effort!) People don’t foul each other. It’s the team that will do well (or not!) not individual members. The team plays to it’s strengths. All team members work hard for each other. What do the fair play rules mean for us in this challenge?

4 Discuss as a group…  What are you aiming to get done in the first half of today’s lesson?  Who is going to do what? Make sure that jobs are divided up fairly and that everyone has something to do. Remember you only have half of the lesson – you must get everything finished! You are working with others, communicating, problem solving & improving your own learning & performance…

5  Before we can evaluate our websites we need to work out our success criteria – What does ‘success criteria’ mean?  ‘Success criteria’ is working out the things that your website needs to make it a success, basically the things that you were told the website had to include. What did our websites have to include? What is are our success criteria?  One person from each group needs to be the scribe & copy this list of success criteria onto paper You are working with others, communicating & improving your own learning & performance…

6 Remember, that this was also your levelled task & when you are evaluating each other’s work you’re also going to be giving it a level. In this task you were aiming to achieve a level 5. For a level 5 you needed to have included the following things…  The things that the Muslim pilgrims do as part of the Hajj pilgrimage  The impact that the Hajj pilgrimage has on Muslim pilgrims’ lives  Why the Hajj pilgrimage is important for Muslims  Use correctly words like ‘hajj’, ‘pilgrimage’, ‘pilgrim’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Makkah/Mecca’ – in your work Choose a different scribe in your group to copy out this list.

7 You are working with others, communicating & improving your own learning & performance…  Each group should now have a list of success criteria & what you need to have included to get a level 5. To complete the evaluation, you need to swap computers so that your group is looking at another group’s website.  Then, you need to look through the success criteria & the level 5 list & see if the group have done everything that they should have done.  If they have done the things on the success criteria list & the level 5 list then give them a tick next to the thing on the list – if you want to write a comment as well you can do.  Remember…be strict but fair – only write about somebody else’s work what you wouldn’t mind them writing about yours. Lastly…award the group two stars & a wish for their work – two stars for things that they’ve done well, & a wish for a way in which they could improve.  When you have finished…return the evaluation to the group it belongs to, so that they can read it.  Now, return your evaluations to your teacher so that they can check your level 5 mark is correct.

8 As a whole class discuss… What skills have your group developed in this project? You are communicating… What could you have done to have made more progress in this project?  Your aims for this challenge were to: Find out about the Hajj & what it is like to be a Muslim pilgrim.  Can you give us one fact that you’ve learnt in this project about the Hajj & what Muslim pilgrims do on the Hajj.

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