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Lambeth Tenants and Residents Association Hugh Stultz – Funding Officer 21 st April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Lambeth Tenants and Residents Association Hugh Stultz – Funding Officer 21 st April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lambeth Tenants and Residents Association Hugh Stultz – Funding Officer 21 st April 2015

2 Aims of today’s talk To give a brief overview of BIG To highlight the funding streams most relevant to you To hear from you the challenges that your organisations face in accessing our funding

3 About the Big Lottery Fund BIG distributes ‘good cause’* money raised from National Lottery ticket sales BIG is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) sponsored by the Cabinet Office Big is committed to the voluntary and community sector. Last year we awarded £500 million in grants, mainly to VCS organisations

4 How the lottery £2 is spent BIG is responsible for delivering 40 per cent of all funds raised for good causes - about 12 pence of every pound spent on a Lottery Ticket

5 Big Lottery Fund Mission ‘The Big Lottery Fund is committed to bringing real improvement to communities and to the lives of people most in need’

6 BIG targeted funding programmes BIG Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better Talent Match Multiple needs Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start

7 BIG open programmes BIG Heroes Return Reaching Communities Awards for ALL (A4A)

8 BIG is an outcomes funder Your project must meet at least one of these four outcomes: Outcome 1 People having better chances in life, with better access to training and development to improve their life skills Outcome 2 Stronger communities, with more active citizens, working together to tackle their problems Outcome 3 Improved rural and urban environments, which communities are better able to access and enjoy Outcome 4 Healthier and more active people and communities

9 Awards for All Programme  Small grants scheme awarding £300 - £10,000  Six week turn around time for applications  Applications open to community and voluntary groups, schools, health bodies and parish / town councils  Project must be complete within 12 months of award  You can apply for repeat or ongoing project

10 Reaching Communities Programme ─ Larger grants scheme awarding grants over £10,000 ─ Main programme: o Revenue projects funding from £10,000 (average £300,000) o Smaller capital projects funding from £10,000-£100,000 ─ Buildings programme: o Larger capital projects funding from £100,000 o Geographically targeted at most deprived areas

11 Success rates for our funding programme Awards for All Average success rate 60+% Reaching Communities Average Success rates at stage 1: 10 – 15% circa Success rate at stage 2: – 40 – 50%

12 Challenges faced by small organisations What areas of need does your organisation deal with What are the most pressing areas of need in your communities Is your community issue, geographic or nationality / ethnic specific What Challenges have you faced applying to our funding

13 Improving your chances of gaining funding from BIG

14 Improving your chances Start by reading the guidelines carefully and thoroughly EVIDENCE –Provide recent local evidence for the need for your project Ensure that you consult your beneficiaries and involve them at all stages of the project

15 How much evidence do you need to provide? Depends on: ─ The scale of the problem ─ The complexity of the problem hat capacity you have ─ How much funding you are ─ applying for make a strong case

16 Developing a strong application cont’d Activities OutcomesBeneficiaries Needs

17 Grants officers comments on successful applications  ‘Beneficiaries and their needs are clearly identified’  ‘A full range of activities has been provided that will clearly deliver the project outcomes’  ‘Varied and relevant external evidence confirms the issues identified and.. gaps in current service’  ‘Beneficiaries involved in.. user group, consultation, project planning and design, volunteering, recruitment and evaluation’

18 Support and guidance available BIG Websites: ─ BIG Lottery Fund website: ─ Awards for All website: ─ BIG Advice Line: 0345 4 10 20 30 Webinars



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