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1 W Is Brand enough? Windermere Services Owner’s Retreat March 2-4, 2005

2 W Outline Statistics on WORC Tools and philosophy Customer is changing Discussion

3 W Worc-site Statistics. January 15 th to February 15 th 6525 unique log ins to the WORC site Owners Retreat 2003 Photo Gallery usage was at 85% Owners retreat 2005 Photo Gallery usage 36%? 8% of agents have a premium agent web page. 85% of our agents have a CMS subscription, an increase of 40% after roll out of new WORC site. CMA usage @ 45% of our agents. Source: eMarketer. January 2003

4 W Available tools on the WORC site

5 W Tools available on the WORC site? Photo Gallery Agent Websites Fast Flyer Edit Listing CMA (MLS Specific) Prospector (MLS Specific) E-mail Source: eMarketer. January 2003 CMS Mail merge, Action plans, reports, daily to do’s. Custom Express Education Tech support Forms On-line Education

6 W Who are our customers? 76 million 74 million 80 Million Gen Xers are the customer's of today and Gen Ys will be our customers tomorrow.

7 W Who are our customers? Gen Xers and Echo Boomers understand that the Net provides new opportunities to evidence the true value of products and services as well as to create meaningful relationships between providers and customers based on trust. As the power of mass communications declines, replaced by the power of the interactive media and therefore the consumer, brand loyalties for informed and value-conscious purchasers will be based increasingly on value. It is networked information which is bringing value and real benefits to the forefront. For example, grocery shoppers using the Peapod network can ask for all the products in a certain category sorted by different criteria such calorie count or nutritional value. The most frequently used sort criteria are cost followed by fat content. Determining the healthiest peanut butter takes seconds, and Skippy's mass-marketing would have little impact on the purchasing decision. Good brands will correspond closer to good products, and those products which are undifferentiated in value quickly become a commodity. Growing Up Digital: the Rise of the Net Generation (McGraw Hill, 1998).

8 W Customers of tomorrow Gen X & Y Who are echo boomers? Born between 1982 and 1995, there are nearly 80 million of them, and they're already having a huge impact on entire segments of the economy. And as the population ages, they will be become the next dominant generation of Americans. America is just now experiencing the first ripple of this huge wave. Marketing to echo boomers is not as simple as appealing to their parents. First, these children have their own money to spend. Second, since their experiences and attitudes are considerably different, the same messages will not capture them. Growing Up Digital: the Rise of the Net Generation (McGraw Hill, 1998).

9 W Customers of tomorrow Gen X & Y According to a recent survey by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, Generation X’ers are highly educated, technologically savvy, and well- informed consumers. For Gen X’ers, shopping is about convenience, speed, and selection. Their loyalty to a brand is not as strong as their previous generation therefore you need to appeal to their need for instant information and value. The home buying process is the same: they know what to look for and how to shop for it. Gen X’ers are also willing to pay for it. X’ers have a higher ratio of two-income households than previous generations, thus increasing their purchasing power. In the next 5 to 10 years this will be the majority of our customers. Joint Center of housing studies Harvard University

10 W Customers of tomorrow Gen X & Y Generation X—A New Market Force While the baby boomers still drive the market, members of Generation X are beginning to make their mark on the Real Estate industry. Born between 1964 and 1975, native-born Gen Xers have been joined by millions of foreign-born households of the same age to create a growing source of demand for residential real estate. From 1995 to 2003, the number of Gen Xers owning homes nearly tripled to 12.4 million, while their total remodeling expenditures increased more than five-fold to $28 billion. Joint Center of housing studies Harvard University

11 W Goals for 2005 and 2006 Lead Generation/Incubation Missing out on large amounts of internet leads Transaction program. Paperless system will become the goal.

12 W Discussion Topics How do we increase the use of our tools? What are the main challenges your agents face today when it comes to the technology tools. How well do you know the tools?

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