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UC Merced Writing Project 2005 DAY ONE of a 4- week Invitational Summer Institute The Directors welcome the new Fellows.

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Presentation on theme: "UC Merced Writing Project 2005 DAY ONE of a 4- week Invitational Summer Institute The Directors welcome the new Fellows."— Presentation transcript:


2 UC Merced Writing Project 2005 DAY ONE of a 4- week Invitational Summer Institute The Directors welcome the new Fellows

3 Each Morning begins with Journaling Good writing teachers write themselves. The Daily Journal is a good place to start.

4 Daily Journaling Journaling provides a non-threatening place in which writers experiment with ideas and with language. We wrote for 20 minutes every morning.

5 Daily Journaling Journaling allows for a variety of ways to think AND process information. Journaling makes thinking visible.

6 Writing the Daily Log The Daily Log is a record of each day’s events. Writing a Daily Log gives opportunities to be creative with report writing.

7 Reading the Daily Log The Logs take on the genres of letters, stories, poems, songs, tests, news articles, myths, plays, and so on Each day was captured artistically by the Daily Log

8 Daily Logs Also Entertain

9 Best Practice Demonstrations Teaching demonstrations are the core of our Leadership Training Institute for Fellows. Each demonstration begins with a formal introduction of the presenters by their interview partners (Yet another way of writing).

10 Teaching Demonstrations Showing and discussing student work is an integral component of the demonstrations “This is what my students did.”

11 Fellows Actively Participate In All The Presentations Don’t look at me like that! I’m a quotation mark! Which punctuation mark am I supposed to be?

12 Group Writing Teaching demonstrations encourage Fellows to actively participate & share knowledge.

13 Fellows Address The Spectrum of K-14 Teaching Teaching writing from kindergarten through college…it’s the same process!

14 Collaboration During Presentations The composing process often involves the collaboration of ideas and discussion of how to best express those ideas.

15 Writing Groups: Compose, Respond, Revise, Edit We wrote a new essay for our writing groups every Monday, got substantial feedback during the week, and revised it by Thursday. The type of writing varied from narrative to exposition to persuasive.

16 Successful Writing Groups Involve: Building Trust Being Honest Close Reading Identifying Development Opportunities Taking the Challenge

17 Reading Research on the Teaching of Writing We read & discussed books and articles written about the teaching of writing.

18 Graduation Day! From Fellow to UCMWP Teacher Consultant

19 Leadership Opportunities Abound Professional Development is the key to continual growth for all educators UC Merced Writing Project Offers many opportunities for teachers to grow Summer Presenter or Returning Fellow, Coach…

20 Life After the Summer Institute Workshop Presenter Inservice Coordinator Teacher Researcher Writing Group Reading Group School Partnership Coordinator or Coach Special Interest Study >ELL Network >State Standards Advanced Institute Participant

21 Thank you for your support! Please call the UC Merced Writing Project for your Staff Development needs in improving the teaching of writing. We are a NCLB authorized agency.

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