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West Bank and Gaza AME EDUCATION SECTOR PROFILE. Education Structure West Bank and Gaza Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Bank EdStats Education.

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2 Education Structure West Bank and Gaza Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, World Bank EdStats Education System Structure and Enrollments 2007

3 Education Structure Compulsory school age in West Bank/Gaza is 6-15. Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) 2007 West Bank and Gaza Education Configuration and Enrollment Percentages 2007 % Net Enrollments % Gross Enrollments ClassificationLevel/GradeAges2007 Pre-primaryPre-school 4-519%30% Pre-university Primary, grades 1-4 6-1073%80% Lower Secondary, grades 5- 10 11-16 89%* 98% Upper secondary, grades 10- 1217-1875% TVET Secondary17-185% Tertiary 2 year degree18-20 N/A18%** 4 year degree18-22 * Includes both levels of secondary. ** Includes all categories of post-secondary.

4 Education Access: Pre-university Secondary enrollments are growing strongly in West Bank and Gaza. Source: World Development Indicators (WDI), World Bank EdStats West Bank and Gaza

5 Education Access: Tertiary Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) The West Bank/Gaza education system does not offer opportunities for an advanced degree. West Bank and Gaza

6 Education Access: Gender Boys and girls primary enrollments are declining at an equal rate while girls’ and boys’ secondary rates are each improving at an average 2.8% a year. Source: World Development Indicators (WDI) West Bank and Gaza

7 Education Quality: Completion Source: World Development Indicators (WDI) Boys’ and girls’ completion rates have declined equally almost 20% since 2002. West Bank and Gaza

8 Education Quality: Testing West Bank/Gaza ranked 43 out of 49 participating countries in 2007 on the TIMSS. Source: Trends in International Math and Science Study website West Bank and Gaza

9 Education Efficiency: Expenditure Source: No information on public education expenditure for the West Bank and Gaza is available. West Bank and Gaza

10 Education Efficiency: Repetition Repetition at pre-university levels is not an issue. Source: World Development Indicators (WDI) West Bank and Gaza

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