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DAAD-Go8 Collaboration Novel Functionalised Nanoparticles for Application in the Imaging of Cancer Holger Stephan Institute of Radiopharmacy Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "DAAD-Go8 Collaboration Novel Functionalised Nanoparticles for Application in the Imaging of Cancer Holger Stephan Institute of Radiopharmacy Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAAD-Go8 Collaboration Novel Functionalised Nanoparticles for Application in the Imaging of Cancer Holger Stephan Institute of Radiopharmacy Research Centre Dresden- Rossendorf (FZD) Leone Spiccia School of Chemistry Monash University

2 Objective of Australian-German Partnership Develop improved copper-based radiopharmaceuticals Develop novel superparamagnetic multi-modality nanoparticles Imaging and therapy of cancer Monash: FZD: Synthesis of novel molecules Characterization of radiopharmaceuticals and nanomaterials

3 Achievements: Active collaboration established Development of highly-stable (novel) radiocopper- based peptides for imaging of cancer (joint paper + joint paper in preparation) Tumor visualization PICTURE OF DMPTACN + PEPTIDE - NICE ONE ON FZR REPORT FROM MEMORY

4 Achievements: Development of superparamagnetic nanoparticles that penetrate into cancer cells (joint paper in preparation) Cellular uptake of SP-NP into BT-474 cells TEM of magnetite nanoparticles

5 Achievements: New projects are emerging - Infrared imaging dyes Multidisciplinary training for PhD students Jose Solano, Katrin Jaeger and Alexander Ruffani

6 Main challenges: Further enhancing the multidisciplinary training for PhD students Achieving materials that compete with commercial products Translation of laboratory developments into clinical trials requires long-lasting collaboration Securing funding for current projects and for future joint projects: Ongoing travel funding – these are mid to long term projects Personnel and maintenance to expand scope of collaboration Recruitment of high-quality researchers/students Strategy: Seek further DAAD support for travel Explore EU/Australia joint funding opportunities Target Marie Curie, ARC, NHMRC & other fellowship schemes Aggressive promotion of our research

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