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The Metamorphosis.  The Earl of Sandwich did not wish to be drawn away from a lively game of cards and asked a servant to bring him a serving of meat.

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Presentation on theme: "The Metamorphosis.  The Earl of Sandwich did not wish to be drawn away from a lively game of cards and asked a servant to bring him a serving of meat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Metamorphosis

2  The Earl of Sandwich did not wish to be drawn away from a lively game of cards and asked a servant to bring him a serving of meat between 2 slices of bread.  sandwich (n.) =  Draco was an Athenian in the 7 th century B.C. who wrote a code of law in which the death penalty was prescribed fro seemingly minor offenses.  Draconian (adj.) =extremely harsh or severe, especially punishments

3  Aristotle developed a type of logic which eventually became know as traditional logic.  Aristotelian (adj.)=  Atlas was a giant who was forced to support the world on his shoulders.  atlas (n.)=  Thomas Bowdler, a proper Victorian gentleman, published an edited version of Shakespeare’s works.  bowdlerize (v.)=

4  Charles C. Boycott treated his tenants so unfairly that they collectively decided not to pay their rent.  boycott (v.)=  Nicolas Chavin was a French soldier who was excessively devoted to Napoleon and could find no wrong with him.  chauvinist (n.)=  Damocles was a Greek courtier who found himself under a sword suspended by a hair.  Damocles (n.)=

5  Gargantua is the name of a giant king in Francois Rabelis’ 16 th century satiric novel.  gargantuan (adj.)=  John Hancock was a famous signer of the Declaration of Independence.  John Hancock (n.)=  Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince, a political treatise which promoted the idea that the ends justify the means.  Machiavellian (adj.)=

6  In Richard Sheridan’s play The Rivals, Mrs. Malaprop misuses words that sound similar but have a totally different meaning.  malapropism (n.)=  In The Odyssey, Mentor was Odysseus’ trusted advisor who trained his son during his absence.  mentor (n.)=  Franz Anton Mesmer, a German physician, developed the forerunner of modern hypnotism.  mesmerize (v.)=

7  Homer’s Odyssey describes Odysseus’ 10-year journey home from the Trojan War.  odyssey (n.)=  Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian, betrayed his country to the Nazis and was installed by them as a puppet ruler.  quisling (n.)=  Don Quixote, the hero of Miguel Cervantes’ novel, is a naïve idealist who tries to combat evil in a hopelessly idealistic manner.  quixotic (adj.)=

8  The Marquis de Sade derived pleasure by inflicting pain on others and wrote about it.  sadistic (adj.)=  Franz Kafka wrote a famous novella entitled The Metamorphosis, which is about a traveling salesman who turns into a bug.  Kafkaesque (adj.)=  Note: Gregor’s last name “Samsa” is of great significance in The Metamorphosis.  samsja (adj.)= alone (in the Czech language)

9  Combine your body parts with the other people with your same letter. You may join them in whatever way you can create meaning.  Using at least 5 of the eponyms, create a story for the surrealist character you designed.  The best characters and stories will be shared with the class.

10  Aristotelian  atlas  bowdlerize  boycott  chauvinist  Damocles  gargantuan  John Hancock  Kafkaesque  Machiavellian  malapropism  mentor  mesmerize  odyssey  quisling  quixotic  sadistic

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