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Penn State Cooperative Extension Presentation LeighAnn Myers October 15, 2010.

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1 Penn State Cooperative Extension Presentation LeighAnn Myers October 15, 2010

2 Would you like to upgrade those fries to a large? YES! Why not? It’s usually only a.45 money difference!

3 Money talks … and eats! “The food industry spends $30 billion dollars a year on advertising.” What are we saying? EAT MORE!

4 Thank you, fast food! Mostly inexpensive Tasty Readily available Malls Highways Airports Available at all times – 24 hour drive thru?

5 What’s the problem? Extremely high in fat! Obesity Where are the fruits, vegetables, grains? Physical inactivity Serving sizes!

6 Portion Sizes? Serving Sizes? Portion - amount of food that you choose to eat for a meal or snack. Big or small? YOU decide. Serving - measured amount of food or drink, such as one slice of bread or one cup (eight ounces) of milk. NOTE: Single portions come with multiple servings.

7 Portion Sizes Growing, Growing, Growing! Americans consider it all “normal” AKA – portion distortion Growing portions = increased calories

8 Portion Distortion SEE VIDEO dc6LkY dc6LkY


10 Serving Sizes We’re buying the “good deal” combos Eat WAY more than we need 2 – 8 X larger than standard serving size The trend continues …

11 Examples 20 Years AgoToday 320 calories 820 calories Calorie Difference: 500 calories

12 Examples 20 Years Ago Today 210 Calories 2.4 ounces 610 Calories 6.9 ounces Calorie Difference: 400 Calories

13 Let’s take a look …

14 Tips for sticking to portion sizes when eating out.. Order the appetizer-size portion of your entrée if it's offered. Share a main dish with a friend! (saves $ too!) When your food is delivered, set aside or pack half of it to go immediately. Resign from the “clean your plate club” – when you’ve eaten enough, leave the rest.

15 Tip for on the go! On long commutes or shopping trips, pack some fresh fruit cut-up vegetables low-fat string cheese sticks or a handful of unsalted nuts to help you avoid stopping for sweet or fatty snacks.

16 WOW! (Did you know) “Some common food portions can equal the amount that is recommended for the whole day. For example, one bagel may weigh up to 5 ounces, which equals the entire day’s allotment of grains for someone on a 1600 calorie MyPyramid Plan.”

17 The Facts Used to overeating Eat only until satisfied With kids – start off with less Encourage them to ask for more if needed Learn to portion and continue to portion!

18 References t/obesity/wecan/eat-right/distortion.htm t/obesity/wecan/eat-right/distortion.htm ay-portionsizes.html ay-portionsizes.html Whitney, E., Rolfes, S. Understanding Nutrition. 11 th ed.

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