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Organizations as Politics. Two Definitions of Politics 1) Organizations as Government 2) Organizations as Political Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizations as Politics. Two Definitions of Politics 1) Organizations as Government 2) Organizations as Political Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizations as Politics

2 Two Definitions of Politics 1) Organizations as Government 2) Organizations as Political Activity

3 Organizations as Govt. 1) Politics as Government: Autocracy Bureaucracy Technocracy Codetermination Representative Democracy Direct Democracy

4 Politics as Government 1) Historically, what has led to the belief that U.S. organizations should not be ruled by direct democacy or represent. Democracy or co-determination.

5 Organizations as Political Activity 1) Interests 2) Conflict 3) Power

6 Interest Task Career Extra-mural

7 Conflict Conflict will ALWAYS exist. Conflict can be personal, organizational, status-related. Conflict is interpreted by the status of the observer Types of conflict will correspond to a society’s values, goals and norms.

8 Power Power is used to resolve conflict. Types of Power ---

9 Types of Power Formal authority Control of Scarce resources Use of Org. Rules, structure and reg. Control of Decision processes Control of knowledge and information Control of Boundaries Ability to cope with uncertainty Control of Technology Interpersonal alliances and networks Control of Counter-orgs. Symbolism and management of meaning Gender/Race/Sexuality/ Ability/Age Structural factors Power one already has.

10 Strengths and Weaknesses Recognizes that conflict exists. Perhaps makes us see conflict in places it does not truly exist….

11 What Concepts Should be Used When Applying This Metaphor?

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