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PANCASILA Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin. Competence will be achieved : Students can define the notion of Pancasila Students can define the notion of Pancasila.

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Presentation on theme: "PANCASILA Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin. Competence will be achieved : Students can define the notion of Pancasila Students can define the notion of Pancasila."— Presentation transcript:

1 PANCASILA Prof. Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin

2 Competence will be achieved : Students can define the notion of Pancasila Students can define the notion of Pancasila Students can explain the Pancasila as the national identity; Students can explain the Pancasila as the national identity; Students can explain and describe the educational foundation of Pancasila Students can explain and describe the educational foundation of Pancasila Students can explain the educational purpose of Pancasila Students can explain the educational purpose of Pancasila Students can explain the Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia; Students can explain the Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia; Students can explain the Pancasila as the state of Indonesia. Students can explain the Pancasila as the state of Indonesia.

3 Sub Subject Meaning of Pancasila Meaning of Pancasila The foundation of Pancasila Education : The foundation of Pancasila Education : a. Historical foundation b. Cultural foundation c. Juridical foundation d. Philosophical foundation Pancasila Educational Objectives : Pancasila Educational Objectives : a. National Objectives b. Purpose of National Education c. Educational Objectives Pancasila

4 The Meaning of Pancasila Pancasila (pronounced ) is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state. Pancasila consists of two Old Javanese words (originally from Sanskrit), "pañca" meaning five, and "sila" meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated: 1. 1. Belief in the divinity of God, (in Indonesian, Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa). 2. 2. Just and civilized humanity, (in Indonesian, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab). 3. 3. The unity of Indonesia, (in Indonesian, Persatuan Indonesia). 4. 4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (in Indonesian, Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan dan Perwakilan) 5. 5. Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)


6 1. Under the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System, which is embodied in the Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards that define the curriculum of Higher Education Unit level courses must include religious education, citizenship education and Indonesian as well as English. 2. Based on the above considerations, the Directorate General of Higher Education (Higher Education) decided by Decree No. 43 / Higher Education / Kep / 2006 on the Implementation Group signs Course Personality Development in College.

7 HISTORICAL FOUNDATION Pancasila values ​​ extracted from the Indonesian nation itself, such as the divinity values ​​ (belief in God has grown and tolerance have been born), and the value of a just and civilized humanity and other principles. Pancasila values ​​ extracted from the Indonesian nation itself, such as the divinity values ​​ (belief in God has grown and tolerance have been born), and the value of a just and civilized humanity and other principles. Pancasila values ​​ form the basis of the Indonesian state by the nation's leaders during labor RI state. Pancasila values ​​ form the basis of the Indonesian state by the nation's leaders during labor RI state. Pancasila values ​​ remain contained in the preamble of the UUD 1945, even if the trip grammatical changes and change of nationality laws: from the UUD 45, the Constitution of the RIS, the Provisional Constitution, to return to the UUD 45. Pancasila values ​​ remain contained in the preamble of the UUD 1945, even if the trip grammatical changes and change of nationality laws: from the UUD 45, the Constitution of the RIS, the Provisional Constitution, to return to the UUD 45.

8 Truth values ​​ are believed to be high Pancasila. Different interpretation of Pancasila : Truth values ​​ are believed to be high Pancasila. Different interpretation of Pancasila : A. Orla period (Periode Orde Lama): − Pancasila interpreted with Nasakom (nationalist - religion - communist) called Trisila - then squeezed into ekasila (mutual aid); B. Orba Period (Periode Orde Baru) : − Pancasila must be lived and practiced by referring to the items specified by the Assembly through no. II MPR / MPR / 1978 on P4; C. Reform Period (Periode Reformasi): − MPR through no.XVIII MPR / MPR / 1998 on the affirmation of Pancasila as the State, which implies a national ideology as the ideals and objectives of the state.

9 Pancasila as the personality and identity of Indonesia is a reflection of the values ​​ that grow in the life of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila as the personality and identity of Indonesia is a reflection of the values ​​ that grow in the life of the Indonesian nation. The values ​​ are defined in the Pancasila is the result of conceptual thought leaders of Indonesia such as: Sukarno, Drs. Mohammad. Hatta, Mr. Muhammad Yamin, Prof. Mr. Dr. Supomo, and other figures. The values ​​ are defined in the Pancasila is the result of conceptual thought leaders of Indonesia such as: Sukarno, Drs. Mohammad. Hatta, Mr. Muhammad Yamin, Prof. Mr. Dr. Supomo, and other figures. Pancasila values ​​ were extracted from the culture of Indonesia. Pancasila values ​​ were extracted from the culture of Indonesia. Pancasila contains values ​​ that are open to the entry of new values ​​ are positive, both from within and from abroad. Pancasila contains values ​​ that are open to the entry of new values ​​ are positive, both from within and from abroad. CULTURAL FOUNDATION

10 UU No. 2 of 1989 on National Education System, ps 39, paragraph 2, which states about the content of the curriculum, pathways, and compulsory education which includes: UU No. 2 of 1989 on National Education System, ps 39, paragraph 2, which states about the content of the curriculum, pathways, and compulsory education which includes: a) Education Pancasila; b) Religious Education; and c) Citizenship Education UU No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System which establishes the higher education curriculum must include religious education, citizenship education and language. UU No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System which establishes the higher education curriculum must include religious education, citizenship education and language. Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture no. 30, 1990, to determine the status of Pancasila education in the curriculum of higher education as a compulsory subject for the study program nationwide. Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture no. 30, 1990, to determine the status of Pancasila education in the curriculum of higher education as a compulsory subject for the study program nationwide. JURIDICAL FOUNDATION

11 PP no. 60, 1999 PP no. 60, 1999 Since 1983-1999 Syllabus Pancasila many changes in accordance with changes in the prevailing society. Since 1983-1999 Syllabus Pancasila many changes in accordance with changes in the prevailing society. Director General of Higher Education Decision No. 265 / Higher Education / Kep / 2000 on the improvement of core Kurikukum Personality Development Course Pancasila education at universities in Indonesia. Director General of Higher Education Decision No. 265 / Higher Education / Kep / 2000 on the improvement of core Kurikukum Personality Development Course Pancasila education at universities in Indonesia. Kep minister no. 232 / U / 2000 on Higher Education Curriculum Development Guidelines, and No. 45 / U2002 Core Curriculum of Higher Education has set Religious Education, Education Pancasila and Citizenship Education into groups of personality development courses that must be given in the curriculum of each program of study. Kep minister no. 232 / U / 2000 on Higher Education Curriculum Development Guidelines, and No. 45 / U2002 Core Curriculum of Higher Education has set Religious Education, Education Pancasila and Citizenship Education into groups of personality development courses that must be given in the curriculum of each program of study. Implementation in accordance with the Director General of Higher Education Decree no. 38 / Higher Education / Kep / 2002 on the Implementation Group Signs Personality Development Course (MPK) in Higher Education. Implementation in accordance with the Director General of Higher Education Decree no. 38 / Higher Education / Kep / 2002 on the Implementation Group Signs Personality Development Course (MPK) in Higher Education. Director General of Higher Education Decision No. 43 / Higher Education / Kep / 2006 on the Implementation Group Signs Personality Development Course in College. Director General of Higher Education Decision No. 43 / Higher Education / Kep / 2006 on the Implementation Group Signs Personality Development Course in College.

12 The values ​​ contained in the principles of Pancasila is the Indonesian nation before founding philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia. The values ​​ contained in the principles of Pancasila is the Indonesian nation before founding philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia. The values ​​ were: The values ​​ were: a. Indonesia is a nation that “berketuhanan”, b. just and civilized humanity (berkemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab), c. always tried to maintain unity and justice ( selalu berusaha mempertahankan persatuan dan mewujudkan keadilan ) PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION

13 State philosophy of Pancasila as the source for all the actions of state officials, the soul of legislation. State philosophy of Pancasila as the source for all the actions of state officials, the soul of legislation. Pancasila as the source of value in the implementation of national development that animate the state in the political, economic, socio- cultural, defense and security. Pancasila as the source of value in the implementation of national development that animate the state in the political, economic, socio- cultural, defense and security.


15 NATIONAL PURPOSE In the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution, states: In the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution, states:... "Protect the whole Indonesian nation and the entire country of Indonesia,... promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation's dams participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, lasting perdama-ian and social justice..."... "Protect the whole Indonesian nation and the entire country of Indonesia,... promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation's dams participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, lasting perdama-ian and social justice..."

16 Above objectives are realized through the implementation of state and demokratris bekerdaulatan people with promoting unity and integrity of the nation, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Above objectives are realized through the implementation of state and demokratris bekerdaulatan people with promoting unity and integrity of the nation, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. State administration implemented through national development by the state, which is the highest body and the high state with the people. Implementation refers to the national character and noble values ​​ are universal to embody the life of a sovereign nation, independent, fair, prosperous, advanced, and strong moral and ethical strength. Implementation refers to the national character and noble values ​​ are universal to embody the life of a sovereign nation, independent, fair, prosperous, advanced, and strong moral and ethical strength.

17 UU No. 2 Th 1989 on National Education System, chapter 4, declared a national education goals, namely: UU No. 2 Th 1989 on National Education System, chapter 4, declared a national education goals, namely: "Education aims at educating the nation and developed a complete Indonesian man, the man of faith and piety towards Almighty God and noble character, has the knowledge and skills, physical health, and spiritual, steady and independent personality, and social responsibility and nationality. " "Education aims at educating the nation and developed a complete Indonesian man, the man of faith and piety towards Almighty God and noble character, has the knowledge and skills, physical health, and spiritual, steady and independent personality, and social responsibility and nationality. " PURPOSE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION

18 In the framework of the implementation of national development and implementation of Pancasila in the field of education, the national education seek : In the framework of the implementation of national development and implementation of Pancasila in the field of education, the national education seek : 1. Pancasila human formation as a high quality human development and is able to independently 2. Providing support for the development of society, the nation, and the state of Indonesia which manifested itself in a strong national defense (able to ward off any doctrine, understood, and ideologies contrary to Pancasila)

19 PURPOSE OF EDUCATION PANCASILA AND CITIZENSHIP Pancasila education draws attention to the expected moral embodied in everyday life, namely : 1. Behavior that exudes faith and piety towards God Almighty; 2. Behavior that is fair civilized humanity; 3. Cultural behavior, and 4. Diverse interests that support people's behavior that promotes the common interest above the interests of individuals and groups.

20 PANCASILA AS IDEOLOGY OF NATION AND STATE Definition of Ideology a. The term comes from the idea ideology means ideas, concepts, basic understanding, ideals and logos meaning science. So it literally means the science of understanding the ideological base, ideas or ideals. Ideals that are meant ideals are fixed and must be achieved so that the ideals that once a base, view, understand. b. Ideology which originally meant the idea, ideas, ideals that developed into a well-informed about a set of values ​​ or ideas by a person or group of people become a matter of life.

21 Meaning of Pancasila as The ideology of the Nation Meaning of Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia is that the values ​​ embodied in the Pancasila ideology becomes normative ideals for the organization of the state. In other words, the vision or the direction of the implementation of national and state Indonesia is the realization of a divine life, which is air-Humanity, the Unity air, air-Democracy, and the air- Justice. Meaning of Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia is that the values ​​ embodied in the Pancasila ideology becomes normative ideals for the organization of the state. In other words, the vision or the direction of the implementation of national and state Indonesia is the realization of a divine life, which is air-Humanity, the Unity air, air-Democracy, and the air- Justice. Pancasila as the national ideology in addition to functioning as a normative ideal of holding state, the values ​​ contained in Pancasila is mutually agreed value, because it also serves as a means of unifying the people who can memparsatukan various segments of society in Indonesia. Pancasila as the national ideology in addition to functioning as a normative ideal of holding state, the values ​​ contained in Pancasila is mutually agreed value, because it also serves as a means of unifying the people who can memparsatukan various segments of society in Indonesia.

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