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…. “In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians.

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2 “In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians

3 Theme Ù all we need is in Christ  Tasks are made easier when one has all the required tools…especially when they are provided  For anyone interested in serving God, all he needs is found in Christ  Theme verse = 2:10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

4 N.T. epistles = someone else’s mail  Written for a certain purpose  Follows a definite outline  Though separated by thousands of years & different cultures, we’re just like 1st century saints (temptation, sin, worldliness, religious error, etc.) Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

5 N.T. epistles = someone else’s mail  We’re not suggesting this epistle was not also written to saints of all ages 2 Tim 3:16-17  Though primarily written to those living in Colossae, we gain the same benefit when we read & study it Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

6 This letter also proves a 1st century practice…churches assembled to read letters written to them 4:16 We also learn that local churches shared letters 4:16  Laodicea & Colossae were to do this Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

7 The “all-sufficient Christ”  Mainly emphasized in 1:13-22 & 2:3-19  “He is…” and “…in Him” statements  To summarize, Paul proves the complete adequacy of the Christ by presenting Him in relation to…  …the Father 1:15 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

8 The “all-sufficient Christ”  Mainly emphasized in 1:13-22 & 2:3-19  “He is…” and “…in Him” statements  To summarize, Paul proves the complete adequacy of the Christ by presenting Him in relation to…  …creation 1:16-17 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

9 The “all-sufficient Christ”  Mainly emphasized in 1:13-22 & 2:3-19  “He is…” and “…in Him” statements  To summarize, Paul proves the complete adequacy of the Christ by presenting Him in relation to…  …the church 1:18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

10 The “all-sufficient Christ”  Mainly emphasized in 1:13-22 & 2:3-19  “He is…” and “…in Him” statements  To summarize, Paul proves the complete adequacy of the Christ by presenting Him in relation to…  …redemption 1:19-20, 22 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

11 The “all-sufficient Christ”  How much searching does man still do to be “spiritually enlightened?”  Can the answer be found?  Where is the answer?  All other “solutions” need to be abandoned as insufficient Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction YES In Christ

12 Colossae The City  A small city in Phrygia…in Asia  Formed a “triangle” along with Laodicea & Hierapolis 4:13 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction


14 Colossae The City  The church in Colossae was different than other churches Paul wrote to  Most others are mentioned in his journeys in Acts  Colossae is never mentioned by name Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

15 Colossae The City  It appears Paul had never personally visited the city 1:4 2:1  It is possible the church was started by some of the first converts who returned from Jerusalem with the gospel Acts 2:10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

16 Colossae The City  It is more likely (certain) the church was founded by Epaphras 1:7  He was a Colossian & Greek 4:12  He could have learned from Paul during the apostle’s stay in Ephesus Acts 19:10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

17 Colossae The City  It is more likely (certain) the church was founded by Epaphras 1:7  He also labored with the churches in Laodicea & Hierapolis 4:13 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

18 Occasion For The Epistle  One of the “Four Prison Epistles” (w/ Ephesians, Philippians, Philemon)  Paul refers to himself as a “prisoner” 3 times 4:3, 10, 18  Written during Paul’s 1st Roman imprisonment Acts 28:30-31 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

19 Occasion For The Epistle  Epaphras comes to Paul in Rome with a report 1:8  Perhaps the information he brought is centered on the saints digressing away from the “all-sufficient Christ”  Had someone come to Colossae with a perverted gospel? Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

20 Occasion For The Epistle  Epaphras comes to Paul in Rome with a report 1:8  Obvious allusions Paul makes to concerns at the Colossian church 2:4, 8, 16-17, 18-19, 20-23  Some likely behavioral problems 3:5-11, 12-14 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

21 Occasion For The Epistle  For unknown reason(s), Epaphras is imprisoned with Paul 4:12 Phlm 23  Usually, the one who brought news to Paul about saints somewhere carried a letter back to them  Epaphras’ imprisonment prevented him from acting as courier to Colossae Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

22 Occasion For The Epistle  Tychicus carried the letter back to Colossae 4:7-9  He was accompanied by Onesimus  They were also carrying the letter to the church in Ephesus Eph 6:21-22  Onesimus most likely carried Paul’s personal letter to his master Philemon Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

23 Other Noteworthy Features…  Information found only in this epistle…  Mark identified as Barnabas’ cousin 4:10 Acts 13:5, 13 15:37-39  Luke identified as a physician 4:14  Demas is with Paul…later would fall away 4:14 2 Tim 4:10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

24 Other Noteworthy Features…  Information found only in this epistle…  Aristarchus was a prisoner along with Paul 4:10 Acts 27:2  Onesimus identified as a Colossian 4:9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

25 Basic Outline –  Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12  Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23  Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6  Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction


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