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Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria The Last Decades of the Byzantine Empire Interrupted by Short Persian Conquest, The Arab Conquest (Islam Entered.

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Presentation on theme: "Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria The Last Decades of the Byzantine Empire Interrupted by Short Persian Conquest, The Arab Conquest (Islam Entered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria The Last Decades of the Byzantine Empire Interrupted by Short Persian Conquest, The Arab Conquest (Islam Entered Egypt). 1

2 Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria  Short Biography: + Born in Barset (Barshout), El-Behiera. + Son of wealthy and pious parents. + Became Monk at St. Knobus Monastery near Alexandria. + Consecrated Pope in 618 AD. + Departed in 656 AD. 2

3 Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria  God’s Purpose in St. Benjamin’s Life: + His dream about being Patriarch and his spiritual father’s advice. + Angel of the Lord revealed to him the hardships to fall on the church. 3

4 Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria  Achievements of Pope Benjamin: + Dedicated to shepherd his flock during most difficult times. + Endured patiently all what befell him and his church. 4

5 Pope Benjamin I, 38 th Pope of Alexandria  Events during Pope Benjamin’s Life: + The Persian Occupation (623-628 AD). + Return of the Byzantine Rule (628-640 AD). + The Arab Invasion in 640 AD. + Return of Pope Benjamin from hiding. 5

6 Church History, Concluding Remarks  Excerpts from a sermon presented by His Grace Bishop Raphael on May 9, 2011 at St. Mary’s Church in Ottawa): Prophetical Explanations of the letters to the Seven Churches mentioned in St. John’s book of Revelations as they relate to Church History: + Ephesus = beloved, corresponds to Apostles’ Era. + Smyrna = bitter, corr. to Martyrdom’s Era. + Pergamos = partnership or marriage, corr. to the era of Councils and Heresies. 6

7 Church History, Concluding Remarks + Thyatira = theatre, corr. to the era of corruption and extravagance. + Sardis = remnant, corr. to the era of Reformation. + Philadelphia = brotherly love, corr. to the era of Ecumenical activities. + Laodicea = peoples’ rule, corr. to the era of peoples’ interference in ecclesiastical affairs. 7

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