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The Great Gatsby Chapter 2
By: Rebecca, Ola, and Courtney
Summary The Chapter opens up with describing the Valley of Ashes which is located half way between West Egg and New York. The Valley of Ashes is where the poor citizens belong to. Doctor T J Eckleburg’s eyes represent that someone is always there watching and that nothing is a secret because someone always knows somehow. Nick and Tom got off the train one day and wondered off and ended up in front of George Wilsons garage. The garage was not far from the train tracks which are near the Valley of Ashes so everything had a film of ashes. Tom meets Georges wife Myrtle while at the garage. They end up talking and they get on the train with Nick and go to New York. Tom buys Myrtle a dog right when they arrive to New York. While in New York they have a small get together. Myrtle invited her sister Catherine, and a couple, the Mckee’s. Myrtle began to explain why she had married George. She thought she wanted to be with him but it turns out that he just wasn’t right for her and that ever since the day they got married she knew it was a mistake. During the party they had been drinking and Myrtle started to chat “Daisy Daisy Daisy,” which resulted in Tom breaking Myrtles nose and then the party ended abruptly. Rebecca
QUOTES “It was a few days before the fourth of July, and a gray scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the rail road track”(27 That where the Wilson’s live is a terrible place, There not Rich they basically live in a poor place “ I have been drunk just twice in my life, and the second time was that afternoon; so everything that happened has a dim, hazy cast over it, although until after eight o’clock the apartment was a full of cheerful sun”(29) Basically Everything that happen she doesn’t remember, Her Being with another guy she really doesn’t remember either. She Doest Remember anyone being with her, and the book that she read she didn’t understand much.
QUOTES “The apartment was on the top floor- a small living-room , a small dining room, a small bed room, and a bath” I feel like this is another way of showing they weren't the riches that didn’t have a lot of money at all, they explained in the story that it looked bigger then it actually was.
Important Details - The valley of the ashes is a place where industries dumped ash between the west and the north. It is a place of poverty. - The eyes of doctor T. J. Eckleburg are in the valley of ashes painted on a billboard. They watch everything that happens in the valley of the ashes. - The evening in Tom’s apartment was hazy because he was drunk Tom bought Mrs. Wilson a dog. - Mrs. Wilson started to talk about Daisy after Tom asked her not to, so he broke her nose. -Ola
The Great Gatsby Chapter 3
Lexi, Katie, & Jamie
Summary Nick gets an invite to one of Gatsby’s parties. When he shows up he feels very out of place. There is a lot of drinking and dancing, the garden was full of people and food. He runs into Jordan Baker who he spends the rest of the night with. During the party, many people were spreading rumors about where they thought Gatsby came from. After a while, Jordan and Nick decide to go find the host. When they go in the house, they run into a man with owl-eyed glasses sitting in the library. Jordan and Nick go outside to sit and when they do, they sit with a man who claims he knows Nick. So after some conversation, they realized they were in the war together..
Summary (cont) Then the man introduced himself as Gatsby. After that, Nick noticed how different Gatsby was from his guests. He didn’t drink, or dance. He stood and watched everyone else. Later in the night, Gatsby asks to pull Jordan aside, alone. When she returns, she tells Nick that she just heard the ‘most amazing’ news. At the end of the night there was an accident outside of the house, Owl-Eyes ran his car into a ditch and claims he didn’t do it. The chapter ends with Nick telling us about his and Jordans relationship. He thinks he loves her, but hes not sure.
Quotes “People were not invited- they went there.” (pg. 41)
-Most people just came and Gatsby was a very famous man that had the money and the fame to host a party like this one. “There's something funny about a fellow that’ll do a thing like that,” “he doesn’t want any trouble with anybody.” (pg. 43) -he tries to cover his tracks and he doesn't want anyone mad at him or going after him
Quotes (cont) “I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.” -He doesn’t trust people easily, and has a hard time believing what people tell him.
Important Details Symbolism
Gatsby’s smile symbolizes hope and optimism Gatsby’s party symbolizes whealth Cars symbolize danger because at the end of Gatsby’s party there is a car accident and at the end of the chapter Nick tells Jordan she is a bad driver and she needs to be more careful. The owl eyed man symbolizes all of the other guests at Gatsby’s party because he was brought by someone he knew and he was not actually invited, and he was amazed by everything Gatsby had Theme Violence- Cars resemble violence because of the accident at the end of the party and Jordan and Nick’s conversation might foreshadow danger Honesty- Nick was thinking about how Jordan was very dishonest and how he is honest and the no one knows if the rumors about Gatsby are true
Important details Figurative Language Imagery
He was dressed up in white flannels Turkeys bewitched to a dark gold In his blue gardens Personification- men and girls went like moths among the whisperings Simile- She appeared suddenly at his side like an angry diamond
The Great Gatsby Ch. 4 Important Details
By: Nathaniel Brocato
Important Details Plot: “I am the son of some wealthy people in the Middle-all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It was a family tradition. He looked at me sideways-and I knew why Jordan Baker had believed he was lying.” Pg. 65
Important Details Imagery: “Over the great bridge, with the sunlight through the grinders making a constant flicker upon the moving cars, with the city rising up across the river in white heaps and sugar lumps built with a wish out of non-olfactory money. The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world.” Pg. 69
Important Details Plot: “Yeah, Gatsby’s very careful about women. He would never so much as look at a friend’s wife.” Pg. 73
Important Details “‘Gatsby bought the house so that Daisy would be just across the bay.’ Then it had not been merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly form the womb of his purposeless splendor. ‘He wants to know,’ continued Jordon, ‘if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over.’” Pg. 79
The Great Gatsby Chapter 5
Laura McDonald, Megan Sullivan, & Taylor Wolf
Quotes Megan Sullivan “id like to get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around” -95 -Daisy is saying she would pamper Gatsby . “I am going to call up Daisy tomorrow and invite her for some tea” -85 -Nick is trying to get Gatsby and Daisy to go on a date without giving it away. “You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of the dock” -94 -We find out that the green light Gatsby was reaching for is actually Daisy’s house.
Important Details Taylor
Gatsby is in love with Daisy. He wanteed Nick to invite her to his house so Gatsby could come over while she was there and pretend to not know and come over. That day of the tea he came over and made sure Nick's house was presentable. That day he sent his gardener over to cut his grass to make it look better. He brought flowers to the house also. Gatsby was leaning against it it fell and he cought it before it hit the ground. It was significant at that time beacuse everything was wierd and he was nervuse and scared about seeing Daisy after years of not seeing her. Gastby inheritated his money but then lost in it in the panic, the panic of the war. He ended up getting money again by being in the drug business and then the iol busines.
Important Details con. When he told Daisy about the light they were standing at the window loooking out and he said if there was no mist you could see there green light they had at the end of ther dock. She put her arm through his abruptly, now that she new he thought of it as just another light at the end of a dock. " Come here quick! cried Daisy at the window. The rain was falling, but the drakness had parted in the west, and there was a pink and goled billow of foamy clouds above the sea. look at that, she whispered, and then after a moment: I'd like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around" (p. 95)
Summary Upon returning home Nick notices that Gatspy’s house is lit from top to bottom. Gatspys comes over to talk to nick about inviting Daisy over for Tea. As they talk Nick tells Gatspy that he will invite her over for the next day and he returns home to prepare. The next day after Gatspy has the lawn cut e comes up to nicks house wearing a whit flannel suit with a silver shirt and a gold colored tie. He wears this to represent his new wealth. Daisy come and Gatspy nearly embarrasses himself by being the opposite of cool calm and collected he seemed very unsure about himself.
Summary con. In all of his nervousness he knocks the clock of the mantel and catches it before it falls but the clock stops. This helps represent the fact that when he was poor he could not have her and he was stuck in that state with his dreams of love with daisy. As Gatspy shows daisy his house he shows her all of the shirts in his closet. This makes daisy start to cry, she says she has never seen so many beautiful shirts. Later Gatspy tells Daisy about the green light at the end of her dock. Gatspy shared his secret with her. As the chapter ends Nick leaves Gatspy and Daisy alone together
The great Gatsby chapter 6
summary In chapter six you find out Jay Gatsby’s legal name is James Gatz he changed it at the age of seventeen. His parents were unsuccessful farmers. After two weeks at as a janitor at Lutheran college of St. Olaf in south Minnesota, he drifted to Lake Superior where he met Dan Cody. Gatsby and Cody left, going to the West Indies and the Barbary Coast. Gatsby was employed in a vague personal capacity for Cody. The arrangement lasted 5 years. On the last day Dan Cody died. It was Cody that he inherited his money (twenty-five thousand dollars). Gatsby is visited by Tom, Sloane, and a woman. They have a conversation at which one point Gatsby mentions that he knows Tom’s wife. As the party of three begins to leave the woman invites Nick and Gatsby to dinner, however she did not really want them to come, then Gatsby agrees and goes to get something. While Gatsby was gone the group tells Nick to tell Gatsby that they could not wait for him. Just as the party is disappearing Gatsby come out the front door with his overcoat. The next time Daisy came to Gatsby’s party Tom came with her. Later at the party Nick noticed that except for the half-hour she was alone with Gatsby she was not having a good time. Tom later asks Nick who Gatsby was and if he was a bootlegger, Nick replied that Gatsby was not. Then Tom and Daisy have what seems to be a small argument about the party. When the party was over Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy did not have a good time and all he wanted was for Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him. Nick gathers that Gatsby wanted to "recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy". It seems that Gatsby’s life has been confused and disordered, "but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was".
Quotes "The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his platonic conception of himself." (pg99) Nick explains that Gatsby's early life as a kid "It was James Gatz who had been loafing along the beach that afternoon in a torn green jersey and a pair of canvas pants, but it was already Jay Gatsby who borrowed a rowboat, pulled out to the tuolumne, and informed Cody that a wind might catch him and break him up in half an hour" (pg98-99) Gatsby recevies his name by Dan Cody then he takes him in as an assistant on his boat and travels with Cody and looks after him
quotes "He was employed in a vague personal capacity while he remained with Cody he was in turn steward, mate, skipper, secretary, and even jailor, for Dan Cody drunk might soon be about, and he provided for such contingencies by repsoing more and more trust in Gatsby" (pg101) Gatsby had took after cody while he was drunk. Cody was a big drinker this made Gatsby not like to drink and not ever want to be a drinker like Cody '"she didn't like it" he insisted. "she didn't have a good time'" Gatsby is talking to Nick about Daisy coming to his party and she did not enjoy it. He is upset because he wants everything to be like before, but Nick tells him that he cant change the past, but Gatsby thinks he can
The Great Gatsby; Chapter 7!
-Aidan kleckner, Marcus Rando, and Liz williamson
Summary. In the midst of firing all of his employees, Gatsby, cancels his infamous parties. As it turns out these parties were held with the intention of seeing daisy. Their previous romance fuels Gatsby’s obsession with her. His love for her is like a fire continuously fueled nothing to do but burn with only one purpose in the world, continue on a path of destruction. Nick ventures to the home of Tom and Daisy to find that Gatsby and Jordan have already arrived. Being that it is the hottest day of the year, in the city, Tom suggests they all get a room in a hotel to hang out until the weather cools down. While in the room Tom verbally makes an attack on Gatsby. He makes a joke of the way that Gatsby says “old sport.” Tom then insults Gatsby by accusing him of lying about his past and attending oxford. On a some-what positive note, although maybe not so much for Nick, Nick realizes it is his thirtieth birthday. Back to the drama, Tom also accuses Gatsby of bootlegging alcohol during the prohibition. In case you have not caught on, Tom has a very strong dislike for Gatsby, and finds a surprisingly large amount of pleasure in starting drama with Gatsby. Later, Nick finds out that Myrtle had been hit by a car. His first suspicion is that she was hit by Daisy and Gatsby. Nick, being the gentleman that he is, goes to make sure that Daisy is alright. When he arrives at the house, he finds Gatsby lurking in the bushes. This is where Gatsby reveals that Daisy is actually the one of whom hit Myrtle with the car. Gatsby then explains how he is going to take the blame due to his love for Daisy; upon revealing this to Nick he asks that Nick go inside to make sure that Daisy is fine for him. Nick walks inside to see that Tom and Daisy are no longer fighting, in fact, they seem to have worked everything out. Nick leaves Gatsby outside without ever getting back to him about Daisy, I assume that this is because Nick realizes how ridiculous Gatsby is being and that he needs to get over daisy. -Marcus.
Important Quotes. “Is Mr. Gatsby Sick?”-Asked by Nick out of curiosity as to why he has not been seeing Mr. Gatsby lately. The significance of this quote is that Nick is trying to find out what is really going on with him. (113) “I heard you fired all your servants” –Said by nick once again curiously trying to find out what is really going on with Gatsby. This is a significant because once again it is the curiosity of the protagonist which is risen by Gatsby’s shady actions (114) “I wanted somebody who wouldn’t gossip, Daisy comes quite often during the afternoon.” –Said by Gatsby hinting that the reason he is being shady is because of his and Daisy’s love affair. The significance in this quote is that it truly affects most of the people around this affair and impacts each life in a small way. (114) “Her voice is full of money” –Said by Gatsby describing Daisy and Tom’s relationship, basically saying she is in it for the money. The significance of this quote is that it shows Gatsby’s perspective on what Daisy really sees in her husband. (120) “What kind of row are you trying to cause in my house?” –Asked by Tom directed toward Gatsby meaning what kind of problem are you trying to cause with my family. The significance of this quote is that Tom is straight up asking what kind of problems are you trying to cause between me and my wife.(130) “I am though” –Said by Daisy telling her husband that she is actually leaving him, and that Gatsby was not actually lying. The significance of this is quote is that really Daisy just used her husband for his wealth and she really doesn’t care about her husband and is done with him. (134) “And left the car in my garage. I don’t think anybody saw us, nut of course I cannot be sure.” –Said by Gatsby confirming that himself and Daisy were the car that hit Mr. Wilson’s wife. The significance of this quote is that Gatsby is truly revealed as who he is and that he didn’t want anything to get between him and his mistresses love.
Important details -Gatsby fires all of his employees, the importance is that he is trying to break away from all of the gossip and drama. -Gatsby discontinues his parties, although he had extravagant parties, they were only to see Daisy again. -Nick is going to lunch with Tom and Daisy, only to find out that Gatsby and Jordan are already there. -Tom calls Gatsby out, he refers to him as a liar, and he makes fun of the way that Gatsby speaks, this has importance because this is showing Tom’s anger toward Gatsby. -Tom accuses Gatsby of bootlegging during the prohibition, this has significance in that the rumors are finally getting back to Gatsby. -Nick realizes that it is his 30th birthday. He had been too caught up in everyone else’s drama to realize how long it as been. -Myrtle is struck by a car, nick assumes that she was hit by Gatsby and Daisy. -Gatsby really proves his obsession with Daisy when he is willing to take the blame for Daisy, even though she is the one who actually hit Myrtle with the car. Gatsby is stuck in the past, the time when he and Daisy had a romance that was worth fighting for. He cannot get over her even though he can see that she has a husband and a child, he can’t accept that she could ever move on, just because he hasn’t. -Liz.
By Angi, Abby, and Paige Block 1
The Great Gatsby; Ch.8 By Angi, Abby, and Paige Block 1
Summary Nick goes to Gatsby’s after he returns from Daisy’s house and Gatsby tells him that nothing happened over breakfast. He had stayed all night but finally left when she came to her window then turned out the lights. Nick then tells him that he thinks it’s time that he leaves before they find out that it was his car that hit Myrtle Wilson. He was reluctant because he wanted to wait and see what Daisy was going to do. Then Gatsby talks to Nick and explains his love for Daisy and everything that happened after he met her. At the end of the breakfast Nick tells Gatsby that he was worth more than the rest of the crowd he hangs out with. Nick takes a train into the city for work and soon gets a call from Jordan Baker but Nick is still upset with her and doesn’t really want to talk to her at the moment. Nick reveals what had happen after they had left the garage after the accident. Michaelis had stayed with Wilson all night as he talked about Myrtle, but in the morning Wilson was gone because he was shocked after looking at the Doctor T. J. Eckleburg billboard which said that “God sees everything.” Wilson went to Gatsby’s house where he preceded to shoot Gatsby and then himself. Nick goes back to West egg and finds Gatsby dead in his pool.
Quotes “ For Daisy was young and her artificial world was redolent of orchids and pleasant, cheerful snobbery and orchestras which set the rhythm of the year, summing up the sadness and the suggestiveness of life in new tunes” (151) This explains how Daisy is all about the “glitz and Glam” She is superficial, and nothing other than money and social status has any true significance to her. “They’re a rotten crowd….You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together!” (54) Nick is telling Gatsby that he realizes how much better he and Gatsby are from the rest of the “bunch”. Everyone else may have been morally sound at some point, but they are now corrupt and dishonest. “I spoke to her… I told her she might fool me but she couldn’t fool god.” (160) This quote explains how Wilson’s wife was cheating on him, and although he may not have known god (a powerful figure) will always know who is faithful and who has good morals.
Important Details; Symbols
Gatsby- Some might say that Gatsby is the epitome of the 1920’s. He began as a man chasing his idea of the American dream; happiness. However, along his journey he too had become corrupt. Over time, his search for bliss became a quest for wealth and luxury which ultimately leads to his demise. The Car- It seems that every time Gatsby’s car is involved in the story it leads to an unfortunate death or two. The car itself is lavish and embodies the careless and luxurious lives of the characters in the story. The deaths that follow after the mentioning of the car must also be accounted for. Therefore the car symbolizes how the wealth and greed of the characters leads to grossly corrupt and distorted lives. The Eyes of Dr. Eckleburg- As mentioned previously the eyes can be compared to the eyes of god. They are watching over the empty and meaningless lives of the characters in the story.
Important Details Cont.
The weather corresponds with the story! It was hot when Gatsby had hope that he could be with Daisy, but when Daisy betrayed him it became cool. Gatsby has been longing for the love of Daisy for so long that it became the only important thing in his life. He knew that once all of his hope was gone his life would become meaningless; similar to the other characters in the story. So despite the cold weather Gatsby still wants to swim because he refuses to accept the fact that time has passed and things have changed without his approval. Connections to theme- The fall of the American Dream is clear when Gatsby dies having lived a very empty life. He, like everyone else, had become preoccupied with the idea of money and lust. With this transition his hopes, dreams, and morals have collapsed.
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