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Carers’ involvement and participation in the planning and implementation of staff training. (carers’ assessments) Presentation Denise Coy, Carers Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "Carers’ involvement and participation in the planning and implementation of staff training. (carers’ assessments) Presentation Denise Coy, Carers Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carers’ involvement and participation in the planning and implementation of staff training. (carers’ assessments) Presentation Denise Coy, Carers Lead & Bill Swann, Carer February 2009

2 Contents Rationale Aims Methods Conclusions

3 Rationale Commissioned by Workforce Strategy Group My professional role – carers lead Links to outcomes framework

4 Aims Investigate current practice Engage cross section of carers Organise staff training by service user type Evaluate effectiveness of training Make recommendations to Commissioners

5 Methodology National Questionnaire – legislative requirement and good practice toolkit Selection of carers – skills/experience Induction,training and preparation for carers 6 sessions Evaluation of National questionnaire responses - Cheshire

6 Methodology….continued Findings to inform training programme for staff Deliver staff training programme in partnership with carers’ Evaluation of sessions – staff, carers’ and professional perspective Follow up questionnaire Evaluate findings Recommendations

7 Analysis of information Evaluate training sessions Evaluate effectiveness of carer input Resources

8 Conclusions The next steps………….. Recommendations Strategy development

9 Any questions?

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