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Developing Research Proposal

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Research Proposal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Research Proposal

2 Sections of the Research Plan
Introduction Research Question Data Collection Plan Data Analysis Plan Procedures to Implement Research Plan

3 Introduction Section Introduction Section of the Plan (3 short paragraphs) Brief description in 2-3 sentences what the students are interested in knowing more about. Description of what the students have done to find information about their interest. Reviewed WISCareers/Career Crusing online career information system Reviewed some articles found in searching Google Viewed UTube Videos Other activity to find information Statement about why more investigation about their interest is important for them.

4 Research Question Section
State the research question. NOTE: No other information in this section of the plan

5 Data Collection Section
Description of personal interview data collection activities Description of how questions will be developed Description of pilot testing of personal interview questions Description of how pilot test will influence the refinement and/or modification of questions Description of how personal interview responses will be collected List of questions on paper with space to record interviewee responses Audio tape recording Video tape recording Taking notes of respondents’ answers to questions Other

6 Data Collection Section
3. Description of how personal interview responses will be used to develop the small group interview questions Description of how questions will be developed Description of pilot testing of small group questions Refining the questions procedures Description of how small group interview responses to questions will be collected List of questions on paper with space to record interviewee responses Audio tape recording Video tape recording Taking notes of respondents’ answers to questions Other

7 Data Collection Section
Description of other types of information collection activities (survey, historical data, observations, etc.) Description of how questions will be developed Description of pilot testing of questions Refining the questions procedures 6. Description of how other types of information will be collected Construction of mailed survey Audio tape recording Video tape recording Taking notes of respondents’ answers to questions Recording information from written sources such as historical data Taking notes of what is observed Other

8 Data Analysis Section Description of what will be done to compile the data collected in preparation for conducting data analysis Personal interview data If audio recorded --- transcribed into Word If video recorded --- Edited and compiled by responses to questions If responses taken by notes --- sorted by responses to questions Small group interview data Other type of data (survey, historical data, observations, etc.) Sorting of respondents answer to each question – Survey Using a rubric to sort historical data by individual question Sorting of observer’s notes about what is observed

9 Data Analysis Section Describe what procedures will be used to combine information received from the personal interviews, group interview, and other information (survey, historical data, observations, etc.) Describe process for reaching agreement among team members for combining “similar” personal, group and other information (survey, historical data, observations, etc.) Combining by question Combining by similar responses Combining into clusters of similar responses Combining information to include observer’s notes

10 Data Analysis Section 3. Describe what process that will be used to make judgments about the meaning of information that has been combined from the personal interviews, group interview, and other information (survey, historical data, observations, etc.) Describe “inter-rater” agreement process used to make judgments about the meaning of information that has been combined from the personal interviews, group interview, and other information (survey, historical data, observations, etc.)

11 Procedures for Implementing the Research Plan
Develop a list of each step, activity, process, or effort that must take place to implement data collection and data analysis plans. Data Collection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

12 Procedures for Implementing the Research Plan
Develop a list of each step, activity, process, or effort that must take place to implement data collection and data analysis plans. Data Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

13 Conducting the Personal Interview
Resources Qualitative Research Conducting the Personal Interview Conducting personal and focus group Interviews objectives

14 ide@s
Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System and the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

15 Family and Consumer Science Research Resources

16 Career Exploration Unit
Last updated: 05/30/03 Use to help students explore and research various careers that match their interests and skills. Resource Type: Lesson Plan Subjects (Level One): Family and Consumer Science Subjects (Level Two): Careers/Planning Grade Levels: Ninth, Tenth WI Academic Standards: Creator: Lori Schuh, Xavier Keywords: careers, interests, interest inventory,guidance Duration: 2 24 minutes sessions or 1 90 minute session Format: Adobe PDF Languages: English Family and Consumer Science B.12.2  B.12.3  C.12.2  C.12.3  D.12.2  F.12.4 

17 Your search for careers returned the following results: Subject area Careers (Mathematics) Careers (Language Arts) Careers (Science) Careers (Social Studies) Careers (Art and Design Education) Careers (Music Education) Careers (Environmental Education) Careers (World Languages) Careers (Health Education) Careers (Physical Education) Careers/Planning (Family and Consumer Science) Careers (Marketing Education) Careers (Dance) Careers (Technology Education) Careers (Agricultural Education) Careers (Theatre Education)

18 Your search for careers returned the following results:
78 Resources 27 Teacher Resource/References 17 Lesson Plans 12 Student Sites 12 4 Digital Media - Videos 1 Science CAP 1 BIT Lesson Plan 1 Television Program 1 Online Project 1 Teacher Tool 1 Interactive Learning Object

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