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1. wild adj. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. ( 不可数 ) a wildlife park.

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1 1. wild adj. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. ( 不可数 ) a wildlife park

2 2. as a result (of sth) 作为 … 的结果 ; 因此 ; 由于 1). I was very busy. As a result, I couldn’t take care of her. 2). About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire.

3 result from… 起因于 …. result in … 结果为 …. ,导致 … 3). The terrible accident ____________ his carelessness. 4). His carelessness __________ the terrible accident. resulted from resulted in

4 3. apply for 申请 1). He is going to apply for that job. apply to 应用 ; 运用 ; 适用 2). The school rule applies to every student. 3). The nurse is applying some medicine to his wound. apply oneself to… 专心 ; 集中精力 4). Students should apply themselves to their study.

5 4. suggest v. 提议 ; 建议 ① suggest sth 我建议周末去野餐。 I suggest a picnic on this weekend. ② suggest doing sth. I suggest going on a picnic on this weekend. ③ suggest sb’s doing sth. 我建议你们周末去野餐。 I suggest your going on a picnic on this weekend.

6 ④ suggest sth. to sb. ( 此处 to 为介词 ) 他向我们提议了一个新方案。 He suggest a new plan to us. ⑤ suggest that sb. ( should ) do sth. ( 虚拟 ) 我建议我们用另一种方式来处理这个难题。 I suggest that we (should) deal with this difficult problem in a different way. ⑥ It’s suggested that sb. (should) do sth. 有人提议立即下课。 It’s suggested that the class be over at once. ( 虚拟语气 )

7 当 suggest 为 “ 暗示, 表明 ” 时, 从句要 用陈述语气, 不用虚拟语气。 他的表情表明他很生气。 7). His expression suggested that he was very angry. 8). Her pale face suggests that she is ill.

8 5. thick adj. thick black hair a thick forest a thick door thick smoke a thick rope 浓密的头发 茂密的森林 厚重的门 浓烟 粗绳

9 6. protect v.  protect sb /sth from (against) sth 1). Try to protect your skin from the sun. 2). Kids should be protected from violence. 3). The walls were built to protect the country against the attack.  protection n.

10 7. affect v. 影响 1). Smoking greatly affects health. 区别 : effect n. have an effect on / upon sb./ sth. 影响 2). Smoking has a great effect on health.

11 Exercises

12 1. May was very sick, ____ he could not eat or sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. however 2. The car accident _____ the driver’s careless. A. resulted in B. resulted of C. resulted from D. result for

13 3. Getting ___ in the forest is very dangerous. A. losing B. lost C. to lost D. being lost 4. You will get ___ if you stand under the sun for a long time. A. burning B burn C. burnt D. to burn

14 5. He is hunting ___ his lost watch here and there. A. to B. at C. for D. out 6. It will be ___ wonderful world if all nations live in ___ peace with each other. A. a a B. the the C. a the D. a /

15 7. I hear Tim once was ___ of losing his life, but now he is ___. A. in danger, out of danger B. in the danger, out of the danger C. in danger, out of danger D. in the danger, out of the danger

16 8. The poor families can apply __ the government __ financial ( 财政的 ) help. A. for to B. to to C. for for D. to for 9. The young lady decide to apply ___ the new position in the office. A. to B. with C. for D. in

17 请用适当的介词填空 1. Whales will die ___, if we don’t protect them. 2. Nowadays every woman is dying ___ fair skin. 3. The trees are dying __ because of the drought. out for off

18 4. The weak light is dying _____. 5. His anger died _____ after being given some money. 6. About 10 million people die __ cancer every year. 7. Some people die ____ the lack of water in the dry areas. away down of from

19 Revision of the Passive Voice 1.Every year over 29,000 antelopes ________ (kill) in Tibet. ---Present Simple 2. In the past, the elephants __________ (kill) by farmers. ---Past Simple are killed were killed

20 3. In the past twenty years, a large number of bamboo areas ______________ (set up) to help pandas grow. ---Present Perfect 4. Nearly all the Milu deer _____________ (kill) before they were brought back from UK. ---Past Perfect have been set up had been killed

21 5. At present a new home ____________ (build) for pandas. is being built ---Present Continuous 6. WWF hopes that more and more wild animals _______________ (protect) in the future. will be protected ---Future Simple

22 The Present Continuous Passive Voice 现在进行时被动语态 Structure: be (am, is, are) + being + Vpp Example sentences in the reading 1.Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours. 2. … we’re becoming endangered in Zimbabwe.

23 现在进行时被动语态的用法:  表示说话时正在进行的被动动作 e.g. Look! The children are being taken care of by their aunt. e.g. The project is being discussed at the meeting. e.g. A new film is being shown in the theatre.

24  表示目前这段时间正在进行, 但此时此 刻不一定在进行的被动动作 e.g. A modern school is being built in my hometown. e.g. Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days. e.g. Several new railways are being built.

25 1. Since your bike ___, you can use mine. A. has been repaired B. is repaired C. has been repairing D. is being repaired

26 2. Look! The foreign guests ____ around the factory by Mr Zhang. A. is showing B. are being shown C. are being showing D. have been shown

27 3. ---Do you know what Lily is doing? --- She _____ in the office. A. may be interviewed B. can be interviewed C. can being interviewed D. may be being interviewed

28 ‘ be + under / in + n. ’ 可代替进行时被动语态 e.g. The city is under attack at the moment. The city is being attacked at the moment. 目前这个城市正遭到进攻。 e.g. The bridge is under repair. The bridge is being repaired. 桥梁正在修理中。

29 e.g. The problem is under discussion at the meeting. The problem is being discussed at the meeting. 这个问题正在会上讨论。 e.g. The telephone is in use now. The telephone is being used now. 电 话正在使用中。

30 Translation 1. What can we do to protect the Milu deer from disappearing again? 2. Do you think that pandas in China are in danger? Do you think that pandas in China are being endangered?

31 3. What do you suggest we should do to protect wildlife? 4. Do you know why dinosaurs died out suddenly about 65 million years ago? 5. National natural protection zones should not be opened to tourists. Do you agree?

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