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ANCILLARY PROCEDURES. 11/23/0911/28/09 UnitNV Hgb 96118 g/L120-170 RBC 2.933.73 X10^12/L4.0-6.0 Hct 0.280.35 0.37-0.54 MCV 94.394.60 U^387 + -5 MCH 32.631.50.

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2 11/23/0911/28/09 UnitNV Hgb 96118 g/L120-170 RBC 2.933.73 X10^12/L4.0-6.0 Hct 0.280.35 0.37-0.54 MCV 94.394.60 U^387 + -5 MCH 32.631.50 pg29 + -2 MCHC 34.633.30 g/dL34 + -2 RDW 13.4014.10 11.6 – 14.6 Platelet 481830 X10^9/L150-450 WBC 17.7015.39 X10^9/L4.5-10.0 Neutrophils 0.75 0.50-0.70 Segmenters 0.740.72 0.50-0.70 Bands 0.01 0-0.05 Metamyelocytes 0.01 Lymphocytes 0.240.23 0.20-0.40 Monocytes0.00-0.07 Eosinophils 0.010.02 0.00-0.05 Basophils Myelocytes

3 Complete Blood Count Anemia – Low RBC, Hgb, Hct – Due to insufficient production of EPO by the diseased kidneys (CKD stage 3) Thrombocytosis – Occurs as an acute phase response to infection Leukocytosis – With predominance of neutrophils connotes active bacterial infection

4 11/23/0911/28/09UnitN.V. SGPT-ALT37.8U/L0-31 SGOT-AST55.3U/L0-38 Creatinine5.23.5mgl/dL0.5-1.2 Sodium130mmol/L137-147 Potassium5.4mmol/L3.8 - 5 AST/ ALT - Active liver insult probably drug induced (aspirin) Creatinine - Impaired Filtering Capacity of the kidneys due to CKD Sodium/Potassium - Most probably due to impaired kidney function Biochemical Blood Test

5 ECG Sinus rhythm Left ventricular hypertrophy – pathological reaction to cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure – increase afterload that the heart has to contract against – causes of increased afterload that can cause LVH include aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency, and hypertension Peak T-waves – Due to hyperkalemia

6 Other lab exams TestRationale for requestingExpected result iCa Asses for Kidney injury Decreased iPOIncreased BUNIncreased Uric acidIncreased Lipid ProfileAsses risk of Heart disease ABGdetermination of pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the bicarbonate level Metabolic acidosis U/S of KUBPAssess the size, location, and shape of the kidneys and related structures, such as the ureters bladder, and prostate Sputum GS, culture Identify certain pathogens by their characteristic appearance Sputum AFBScreening for TB

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