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Chapter 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe. Spain’s Empire Ruled by Philip II He was a defender of Catholicism, Europe was experiencing religious wars caused.

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1 Chapter 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe

2 Spain’s Empire Ruled by Philip II He was a defender of Catholicism, Europe was experiencing religious wars caused by the reformation. Philip believed it was his duty to defend Catholicism against the Muslims and the protestants.

3 Spanish Art and Literature Art El Greco- (1541-1614) – puzzling art, chose brilliant clashing colors, distorted human figures, and expressed emotion symbolically Diego Velazquez- (1599-1660) – court painter to Philip IV of Spain, best known for his portraits of the royal family

4 Las Meninas - Velazquez

5 El Greco Paintings

6 Literature –Don Quixote - written by Miguel de Cervantes –Often called birth of the modern European Novel –About a Spanish nobleman who went crazy after reading too many books about heroic knights. Hoping to “right every manner wrong” Don Quixote rode forth in a rusty suit of armor, mounted on a feeble horse. –Some critics believe that Cervantes was mocking chivalry.

7 Spanish Empire Weakens Inflation- population was growing so demand for food and goods grew, this caused a rise in prices. Taxes- After the reconquista Spain expelled all Jews and Muslims, with them went many artisans and businessmen. The noblemen did not have to pay taxes therefore the burden went to the lower class who could not afford to pay the taxes and as a result could not afford to open new businesses. The Dutch Revolt- Spain controlled the Netherlands, who were mostly Protestant, Philip tried to crush Protestantism here and the Dutch revolted against Philip and declared themselves independent.

8 Absolutism Absolute monarchs – Kings or Queens who held all of the power within their states’ boundaries. There goal was to control every aspect of society They believed in Divine Right, or the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on Earth.

9 Questions Name one painter from Spain. Who was Spain’s ruler? List one reason why Spain’s empire weakened. What artistic limits might an artist such as Velazquez have faced ?

10 Religious Wars Power struggle between Catholics and Huguenots (French Protestants) Edict of Nantes- Henry IV declared that Huguenots could live in peace in France and set up their own houses of worship. Henry IV is stabbed to death and his son Louis XIII takes over.

11 Louis XIV Took the throne at the age of four Cardinal Mazarin ran France until his death, Louis was 23 at this time and decided it was his time to take complete control of France. He would become the most powerful ruler in French history, and reign the longest (1643-1715). Was known as the “Sun King” because as with the sun all power radiated from him.

12 Economic Growth and Decline Jean Baptiste Colbert was minister of Finance To prevent wealth from leaving the country Colbert tried to make France self-sufficient. Gave tax incentives to French companies and placed high tariffs on goods from other countries. After Colberts death Louis announced that the Edict of Nantes would be canceled. This forced Huguenots to leave the country, with them went many artisans and businessmen.

13 Palace at Versailles GlVS0 GlVS0

14 Ferdinand II

15 Frederick the Great -King of Prussia

16 Maria Theresa- Queen of Austria

17 Ivan the Terrible- 1 st Czar of Russia

18 Peter the Great

19 Map of Russia

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