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Biography of: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo

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1 Biography of: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
 by <Hanna Park>

2 Slide 2: Basic Details About Juan Mazo:
His birth date and birthplace is uncertain but his date of birth is estimated to be around 1612 and it is said that he was born in Cuenca or Madrid. His parents were Hernando Martinez and Lucia Mazo, who were also both from Cuenca. His education and training is still a mystery but he must have worked in the Velazquez workshop before he got married which is why it's possible that he was his future father in law's apprentice. He was a Spanish Baroque portrait and landscape painter He died in 1660

3 Timeline Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo -1643
-1612 Juan was born -1633 He married Francisca de Silva Velázquez y Pacheco -1643 He became master of drawing+the personal painter of the Spanish Crown. -1657 He traveled to Italy trying to recover the dowry of his daughter -1660 He died

4 Accomplishments Juan accomplished expressing his talent copying works of Venetian masters in royal collections. Some of his famous collections are Tintoretto, Titian and Paul Veronese. Juan’s work as a copyist of Venetian masters led his way to the secrets of great masters back then, such as Rubens and Jordaens. The family of Juan Mazo

5 Qualities Picture of the Saragossa
Juan was a close follower of Velazquez and imitated Velazquez more than the other followers. He was a master of drawing in and was also a personal painter of the heir to the Spanish Crown, Baltasar Picture of the Saragossa

6 Facts Juan rarely signed his artworks, which gave a lot of confusion toward the audience and also made it difficult to tell the authorship of his paintings. There are only a few paintings that scholars today admit are his.

7 Conclusion Juan Mazo, a Spanish Baroque portrait and landscape painter, was born around 1612 in Cuenca or Madrid and was the son of Hernando Martinez and Lucia Mazo. We suppose that he worked in the Velazquez workshop before he got married meaning he could have been his future in law’s apprentice. He lived kind of mysteriously, rarely signing his works, but he had a lot of accomplishments with his skilful talent and with a lot of help from Velazquez.

8 Bibliography Unknown, . "Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo." Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 11 Feb < Only used wikipedia

9 Bibliography Images Unknown, . "Resumen Biográfico." Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 10 Feb < 8417/juanbautistamartnezdelmxq0.jpg&imgrefurl= ewtopic.php%3Ft%3D4605&usg=__RJVGigGKFdepZSi6nA- R7m1ueng=&h=672&w=485&sz=133&hl=en&start=7&sig2=_4TcvrN9Pn1mA McGprqo7g&um=1&tbnid=EPod61mhOoxvPM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=100&ei=wO aSSbXTGJngsAPEuf2sCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJuan%2BBautista%2B%2B Mart%25C3%25ADnez%2Bdel%2BMazo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3 DN>. Unknown, . "Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo." Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 11 Feb <

10 Slide show created by... Hanna Park 7D

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