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/ 31 1 The 2nd Central Asian Medical Education Conference Karaganda, 10-11 October, 2013 Integration of Learning Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "/ 31 1 The 2nd Central Asian Medical Education Conference Karaganda, 10-11 October, 2013 Integration of Learning Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 / 31 1 The 2nd Central Asian Medical Education Conference Karaganda, 10-11 October, 2013 Integration of Learning Objectives and Assessment Items: the MüGe Software Zekeriya Aktürk, Atatürk University

2 Presentation Outline / 31 2  Higher Education in Turkey  Learning objectives and exam questions  The MüGe software

3 / 31 3 Turkish Educational System The current Turkish Education System was built in accordance with the Atatürk Reforms after the Turkish War of Independence. It is a state supervised system mandating 12 years of basic education before university between the ages of 7 and 18

4 / 31 4

5 / 31 5

6 6 Entrance is regulated by a national examination, ÖSS, after which high school graduates are placed to the university space available, according to their performance. Over 1 500 institutions of higher educational programs are in operation. Higher Education in Turkey

7 / 31 Annually, about 1.5 million students graduate from Turkish high schools. Nearly half of them are placed to some higher education. Total expenditure on education in Turkey is around 10% of the total budget. 7

8 / 31 8 Number of medical faculties: 82 Total 8953 students were enrolled to medical faculties in 2013. Medical Education in Turkey

9 / 31 9 Entrance to residency education Is done through the bi-yearly central placement exam TUS ~ 11 500 applications for each exam Of these ~ 4 500 are placed to specialty training/year USSayisalBilgiler2009_02.pdf

10 / 31 10 Specialty training lasts 3-6 years Some Specialties*Duration Family medicine3 Anatomy3 Anestesiology and reanimation4 Pediatrics4 Public health4 Biochemistry4 Urology5 General surgery5 Emergency medicine5 Cardiovascular surgery6 *Complete list available at:

11 / 31 11  The Importance of Matching Learning Objectives and Exam Questions

12 / 31 12  Your students’ curriculum is the content of your exam.  No matter what you intend to teach, they will focus on and learn what you measure.

13 / 31 13 Planned Curriculum Applied Curriculum Measurement and Evaluation

14 Example: / 31 14  Planned curriculum: You decided to have the following learning outcome  Students will be able to measure brachial artery systolic and diastolic blood pressure on patients using a sphyngomanometer  Applied curriculum: Your tutor Zekeriya goes to the class and does the following  Clinical skills training of blood pressure measurement on manikins  Measurement and Evaluation: In the exam you ask the following essay question  Explain the steps of blood pressure measurement and give normal range values.

15 / 31 15  What are the students going to learn in the previous example?  Of course they will concentrate on the THEORY of blood pressure measurement. They may become competent in the KNOWLEDGE domain but not the SKILLS domain.

16 Another Example: / 31 16  Planned curriculum learning objective:  Students will be able to count cardiac risk factors  Applied curriculum:  Tutor facilitates learning of cardiac risk factors  Measurement: MCQ  What are the normal limits for systolic blood pressure?

17 / 31 17 Planned Curriculum Applied Curriculum Measurement and Evaluation

18 MüGe: A Solution to Match Objectives / 31 18  With a project funded by Atatürk University research office we developed a software  The MüGe software is an internet based program.

19 MüGe Has 5 Linked Components / 31 19 1.The curriculum development module 2.The distant module for feeding questions 3.The question bank module 4.The assessment and evaluation module 5.The web module for displaying results

20 The curriculum development module / 31 20

21  Student affairs can prepare the curriculum plan  Teachers can enter learning objectives for their courses.  Students and teachers can generate reports / 31 21

22 The distant module for feeding questions / 31 22

23  Teacher can log in from anywhere and feed their questions into the question bank.  Questions are matched with learning objectives  Teacher has to select the learning objective to be measured with the relevant question. / 31 23

24 The question bank module / 31 24

25  Questions will be accumulated in the question bank (cetral server accessible only by the administrator).  Evaluation Center prepares and applies the test / 31 25

26 The assessment and evaluation module / 31 26

27 / 31 27

28  Evaluation Center scores exam sheets of students  Questions are evaluated for their quality  Discrimination index  Difficulty index  Choices  Reports are generated / 31 28

29 The web module for displaying results / 31 29

30  Students can view their scores  Teachers can monitor their students  Administrative staff can take reports / 31 30

31 Conclusion  In order to assure that learning objectives are met, assessment items have to match with the planned learning objectives.  Learning Management Systems are useful.  Our web-based MüGe software proves to be effective in matching learning objectives and assessment items. / 31 31

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