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Source from (Dec 2007) 金融業 – 理財會計 人才灸手可熱 受惠於內地經濟強勁,愈來愈多企業來 港上市,刺激投資活動,本港會計金融 業明年持續當旺。在良好勢頭下,會計.

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Presentation on theme: "Source from (Dec 2007) 金融業 – 理財會計 人才灸手可熱 受惠於內地經濟強勁,愈來愈多企業來 港上市,刺激投資活動,本港會計金融 業明年持續當旺。在良好勢頭下,會計."— Presentation transcript:


2 Source from (Dec 2007) 金融業 – 理財會計 人才灸手可熱 受惠於內地經濟強勁,愈來愈多企業來 港上市,刺激投資活動,本港會計金融 業明年持續當旺。在良好勢頭下,會計 金融行業仍然面對人手短缺的問題;根 據最新政府統計處資料顯示,截至 07 年 6 月,金融業及相關服務業合共僱用 50 萬 名僱員,較去年同期大概新增 2 萬 7 千個 職位空缺。

3 OCUS&artsection=CAREER 招職專題 會計人才需求大 從業員薪酬增加 會計行業求才若渴,每年初出茅廬的各大學 會計系畢業生,更是各大會計師行爭相招攬 的對象。 不少會計師行均會在每年年底於各大院校展 開招聘程序,並於翌年 1 、 2 月進入面試最後 階段,甚至有準畢業生已獲聘書。



6 Objective 1 To develop students an understanding of basic accounting principles and the application of such principles in modern business operations. Learning Objectives for F4 & F5 students

7 Objective 2 To familiarize students with standard procedures and statutory requirements for professional accounting practice and development in Hong Kong. Learning Objectives for F.4 & 5 students

8 Objective 3 To provide students with a good foundation to further their studies in accounting disciplines in tertiary institutions, in their career and in their own business. Learning Objectives for F.4 & 5 students

9 One paper 2 ½ hours Two sections Section A : Choose 3 out of 4 Qs 14% per question Section B : Choose 2 out of 3 Qs 29% per question HKCEE Format

10 HKCEE Syllabus Sole Proprietorship (1-10 Book-keeping) 1.Books of original entries 2.Double Entry book-keeping 3.Trial Balance and Final Accounts 4.Balancing Day Adjustments

11 HKCEE Syllabus 5.Correction of Errors 6.Bank Reconciliation Statements 7.Control accounts 8.Incomplete Records 9.Concepts 10.Ratios

12 Various Types of Businesses: (a) Sole Proprietorship (b) Non-profit making organizations (c) Manufacturing firms (d) Partnerships (e) Limited Companies HKCEE Syllabus

13 Learning Method The syllabus puts emphasis on 1.improving students’ organizational, analytical and presentation ability, be more patient & attentive, 3.Subject only involves basis arithmetic operations, and 4.Practice makes perfect.

14 Arrangements will be made for students to sit for the LCCI F.51st level : Book-keeping 2nd level : Book-keeping and Accounts F.73rd level : Accounting to enhance their interest in the subject and to broaden their horizon. Professional Qualifications

15 Professional Qualifications

16 Career Path of F.5 Graduates (HKIAAT) ( 香港財務會計協會 ) (HK Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians)  It offers the Accounting Technician Examinations  It offers students an Accounting Technician qualification and an opportunity to progress and attain the membership of HKCPA.  to become an accounting professional.

17 The Accounting Technician Examinations  Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (A.A.T.). (  Professional Bridging Examinations.  members of HKICPA ( 香港會計師公會 )  to become an accounting professional.

18 Further Studies F6 & F7 AL Principles of Accounts

19 Further Studies Universities:Faculty or Department of Accountancy / Economics/ Finance / Marketing / Management, etc.

20 Career Path University Graduate from the Faculty or Department of Accountancy  to be an accountant, an audit trainee, tax assessment assistant officer in the Inland Revenue Dept.:  The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) 香港會計師公會

21 The End

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