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Five fundament themes of Geography Anoka Public Schools Workshop Jan 6&7 Minnesota Historical Society David A Lanegran Macalester College.

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Presentation on theme: "Five fundament themes of Geography Anoka Public Schools Workshop Jan 6&7 Minnesota Historical Society David A Lanegran Macalester College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five fundament themes of Geography Anoka Public Schools Workshop Jan 6&7 Minnesota Historical Society David A Lanegran Macalester College

2 Five Fundament Themes Location Place Human – environmental interaction Spatial interactions ( movement or connections among places ) Regional concept

3 Location: how do we know where we are? determined by angles or directions separation or distance

4 Three types of systems Egocentric – self-centered Domicentric - centered on home or safe place - uses landmarks Conventional - Based on celestial landmarks

5 Egocentric directions Toward the pull of gravity UP AND DOWN Visible or invisible FRONT AND BACK Laterality of brain LEFT AND RIGHT

6 Egocentric distance Personal space – cultural specific Intimate distance an embrace up to 18” Personal distance the length of an arm with a sword up to 6’ the space for most conversation Social distance 6’-12’ the distance for most social interaction Public distance 12- 25

7 Relative location measured in a variety of ways to show ease of connection degree of separation importance

8 Absolution location mathematical location in earth’s grid Need because humans traveled into areas without terrestrial landmarks Navigation - finding location or way finding at sea

9 Absolute location Creation of world map long goal of societies –Europeans first to create an accurate map of the world –Depended on concepts of mathematical grid –Latitude Elevation of polar star –Longitude need for clock to keep accurate time at sea



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16 Place: Human and Physical Characteristics PLACES have character that consists of both human and physical elements PLACES have meaning Geographers study places









25 Human Environment interaction Human impact on environment Environment presents range of possibilities for humans Culture acts a lens magnifying or reducing the impacts in different times and places

26 Humans change environment


28 Human move and invent new plants





33 Spatial interaction This has been simplified by NGS to movement Focus in on connections among places.

34 Circulation systems Circulation means transportation and communication Concept includes invisible as well as landscape Focus on cultural landscapes of movement Forces in market – other opportunities or developments

35 The analogy of the bicycle






41 Aggregate news flow 1993 USENET pre - WWW

42 The switch from network to surface

43 Who are we talking to and what are we talking about?

44 Regional concept Regionalization is the process of classifying places Regions are mental constructs The boundary problem –Boundaries are meaningful breaks in a gradient

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