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Describe instructional strategies that incorporate the ELA Shifts Using one of the strategies shown today, teachers will collaborate to create instruction.

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3 Describe instructional strategies that incorporate the ELA Shifts Using one of the strategies shown today, teachers will collaborate to create instruction focusing on ELA Shift 3, 4, or 5

4 You may have found some students need a scaffold to develop their RAFT task. We will get to a strategy for that in a moment… But first, let’s watch a RAFT task!

5 After learning about the creation of the Constitution through multiple nonfiction resources… Students are given the following RAFT writing task… Writing Task: Imagine you are a reporter for the Colonial Times. You have not only observed the Constitutional Convention, but interviewed a Founding Father as well. As you are writing your article describing this event, be sure to include information from your “interview” with a Founding Father. You should include information from all texts in your article. Role: Reporter Audience: Subscribers of the newspaper, Colonial Times Format: Newspaper Article Topic: Explain the events of the Constitutional Convention

6 Imagine you are a reporter for the Colonial Times. You have not only observed the Constitutional Convention, but interviewed a Founding Father as well! As you are writing your article describing this event, be sure to include information from your “interview” with a Founding Father. You should include information from all texts in your article. I’m confused! Before I can begin writing, I need to be able to understand the RAFT task! What is it asking me to do? Let’s do a close read of the RAFT task to find out! Your role is a reporter. Since the RAFT is not asking the student take on the role of a specific reporter, they are having to create this character for their writing. The format for this RAFT task will be a newspaper article. Are my students experienced at writing in this particular format? The audience for this RAFT task are the readers of the Colonial Times newspaper. In this case, the audience is not specifically stated and must be inferred. The topic for this RAFT is to describe the events of the Constitutional Convention. This includes your “interview” with a Founding Father. Evidence from all texts should be used.

7 The “Defining The RAFT” strategy might be able to help because it causes students to close read a task! What are some obstacles students might encounter in responding to this RAFT task if they do not close read the task?

8 Who am I? How can I describe myself? What are my feelings, ideas, and concerns? What do I know that I need to share in my writing? I am a curious reporter Truthful Observant I feel excited to be present at a historical event I am concerned my readers might not understand the importance of this event Philadelphia State House Delegates met all summer in 1787 George Washington was present They debated about how to set up Congress Great Compromise This is text based evidence!! The Personality and Attitude help to develop the “Voice” in the student's writing!



11 Read a passage of text. Each student writes the 4 most important ideas from the text. Students meet in pairs to share their ideas and agree on the 2 most important ideas from their lists. Pair up the pairs into groups of four. Each group must agree on a single most important idea. All students will write about their big idea for 3-5 minutes. Students will return to their groups and share their responses. The class then has a discussion about each group’s big idea.



14 Writing Through Reading Close Reading Student Talk

15 Focus on one ELA Shift (Shift 3, 4, or 5) Use of multiple texts Close Reading Formative/Summative Assessment Select one of the two strategies shown today- “Defining the RAFT” or “4-2-1 Write”

16 Duration could be over multiple class periods Write the ELA Shift that will be the focus of your instruction. Then identify the other ELA Shifts that will be present in instruction. Write the Tier II and III Vocabulary you will need to incorporate into instruction Write the steps for facilitating instruction Describe the assessment you will use. How will you know the students understood the objective? Write the technology or technology resources you might use- websites, videos, etc.


18 Santa, C., Havens, L., Valdes, B. (2004). Project criss. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Silver, H., Dewing, R., & Perini, M. (2012). The core six essential strategies for achieving excellence with the common core. Alexandria: ASCD.

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